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Government of Yukon > Departments > Highways and Public Works > Information and Communications Technology Branch > Geomatics Yukon > Goals & Objectives

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Geomatics Yukon
Information & Communication Technologies Division
Department of Highways and Public Works
Email: geomatics@gov.yk.ca

Last Updated January 4, 2008

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Goals & Objectives

The primary goals and objectives of the Geomatics Yukon unit are to:

Develop corporate spatial data and products where gaps exist

The development of data and products will be driven by demand and will include digital datasets and hardcopy maps. Geomatics Yukon will be responsible for addressing gaps in Yukon spatial data and products. This may result in Geomatics Yukon creating these products or assisting another organization in creating them. Due to an identified gap, Geomatics Yukon will provide remote sensing services such as orthorectifying imagery and producing standard and custom imagery products.

Develop and maintain Yukon framework data layers

Geomatics Yukon will be responsible for the development and maintenance of digital geographic framework data. This data will not encompass all government geographic data holdings but only that data that is used repeatedly by multiple groups and is used for referencing other sources of data (hydrography, toponymy, topography, satellite imagery, roads and trails, and others). Geomatics Yukon will coordinate with the national framework data development program, Geobase, to ensure the national data is based on the best available Yukon information and it meets the needs of the geomatics community.

Provide a corporate spatial data repository

Geomatics Yukon will provide a corporate spatial data repository for the Yukon framework data that is accessible to other agencies. Organizations other than this unit may be designated as custodians for portions of the data repository and be responsible for its maintenance, enhancement, or collection. Geomatics Yukon will, in conjunction with the appropriate agencies, coordinate the development and operational support of corporate spatial data. A spatial data repository stores, distributes, and displays geographic data and is designed to support shared business functions across departments and/or governments, such as SDE, ESRI GIS, internet mapping and metadata software.

Support geomatics projects for clients

Geomatics Yukon will provide services or arrange for their provision in response to the needs of its clients. This will encompass a variety of activities such as providing project management services, and other professional geomatics consulting services. Geomatics Yukon will coordinate GIS training for the geomatics community. This would include direct delivery of training and coordinating the delivery of training.

Improve communications within the geomatics industry

Geomatics Yukon will facilitate communication and coordination within the geomatics industry. The unit will ensure that the geomatics community is aware of projects and activities from other Yukon government departments or partners. The geomatics community will be updated on national initiatives affecting the Yukon. A geomatics web site will be developed to help manage corporate level communications on geomatics issues.

Conduct research and development on geomatics technologies and tools

Geomatics Yukon will investigate and report on new geomatics technologies and tools that may be of assistance to the Yukon geomatics community. Research and development may occur within the unit or may be facilitated by other departments, depending on the expertise required.

Provide first level support to First Nations for their geomatics needs/activities

Geomatics Yukon will treat First Nation governments as a department within our government, and as such will provide them with technical and project geomatics support. Corporate geomatics information sharing between the Yukon government and First Nations will be coordinated through the unit.

Foster the development of a vibrant geomatics private sector

The Yukon currently has an underdeveloped geomatics private sector. Geomatics Yukon will attempt to stimulate this private sector by promoting more contract opportunities and encouraging communication within the private sector and with government.

Establish policy and standard framework that supports the business of geomatics.

Geomatics Yukon will be responsible for coordinating the development of corporate standards and policies for managing geographic data. Policies and standards are intended to minimize costs of data management, improve quality, and facilitate sharing of geographic data. As many important geomatics policies and standards are developed and reviewed at the national level by committees such as CCOG or Geobase, Geomatics Yukon will represent the Yukon on these committees or will involve departmental experts.