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Standing Committee on Public Accounts

Pursuant to Standing Order 45(3) the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (PAC) is responsible for reviewing the Public Accounts and all reports of the Auditor General. In Yukon this committee is usually chaired by the Leader of the Official Opposition.

PAC Members as of November 30, 2006:

Arthur Mitchell  (Chair)                         Steve Nordick  (Vice-Chair)
John Edzerza                                         Hon. Glenn Hart
Don Inverarity                                       Hon. Marian Horne
Hon. Patrick Rouble


Report of the Auditor General of Canada, Sheila Fraser, FCA (February 2, 2007)

Standing Committee on Public Accounts
32nd Legislature
First Report 2007
 Preface  [18 KB]pdf icon            Report  [113 KB]pdf icon            Transcripts  [221 KB]pdf icon

[Written Submissions]

A:  Follow-up information to questions raised during the hearings   [756 KB]pdf icon

B:  Letter from Janet Mann, A/Deputy Minister, Highways and Public Works re Report recommendations    [142 KB]pdf icon






Last Updated: 4/18/2007