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The tourist regions
22 ways to love Québec

Québec has 22 tourist regions, each of which presents a unique facet of the province from a geographical, historical and cultural perspective. New settlements or ancient fiefs, seaports or forest estates, these regions welcome you with open arms and unflagging heartiness and enthusiasm! No matter what regions you choose to visit, you can’t go wrong!

Discovering Québec’s regions 

Glide your mouse over this clickable map to reveal a brief overview of each of Québec’s regions (application does not support Mac). You can also access their respective sections using the menu on the left-hand side of this page.

Advanced Search
Baie-James Eeyou Istchee Saguenay—Lac-Saint-Jean Abititi-Témiscamingue Mauricie Outaouais Laurentides Lanaudière Québec City & Area Charlevoix Manicouagan Duplessis Duplessis Gaspésie Bas-Saint-Laurent Chaudière-Appalaches Centre-du-Québec Eastern Townships Montérégie Ïles-de-la-Madeleine Nunavik Nunavik Laval Montréal
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