Buying in Québec

Data bank of the Centre de recherche industrielle du Québec (Québec industrial research centre) - CRIQ

Québec businesses offer their future partners:

  • quality goods and services
  • modern technological facilities
  • access to large U.S. markets

A dynamic, innovative, educated society with a world outlook, Québec is where quality, modernity and access converge.

The Centre de recherche industrielle du Québec (CRIQ) data bank contains 9000 fact sheets on Québec export businesses. The fact sheets can be consulted, printed or ordered, as requested.

You are presently accessing the CRIQ data bank.

MontréaL CollectionS

Under the auspices of the MDEIE, MontréaL CollectionS encompasses all Québec apparel manufacturers and fashion designers who export to the United States in particular. The goal of this grouping of apparel exporters is to assure a permanent presence for Québec on the international scene and promote Montréal's role as a paramount apparel and design centre.

MontréaL CollectionS and its image are conveyed in the publicity campaigns, fashion shows, exhibitions and all the other trade events sponsored by the MDEIE in the United States.

MontréaL CollectionS also has a Website with contact information for Québec apparel companies with a range of export lines. Its main goal is to prompt professional agents and buyers in the U.S. to purchase from the Québec apparel industry. The user-friendly site, whose address is featured in all the MDEIE's fashion promotion activities, also presents the results of events and many news items of interest to the North American fashion industry.