Vital Statistics Agency
  Translated Brochures

The Vital Statistics Agency provides a series of translated brochures in widely spoken Asian languages in BC. The brochures offer English and translated instructions to assist clients with completing Vital Statistics forms. Find the following brochures below:

  • A Guide to Registering Your Child’s Birth in BC
  • A Guide to obtaining a Marriage Licence and Registration of Marriage Form in BC
  • A Guide to Applying for Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates in BC

The Vital Statistics Agency is committed to making its services and programs accessible to all British Columbians. Translations are provided in Punjabi, Chinese and Vietnamese.


Punjabi Birth Guide to Registering Your Child's Birth in BC
Punjabi Marriage A Guide to the Marriage Licence and Registration of Marriage Form in BC
Punjabi Certificate A Guide to Applying for Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates in BC


Chinese Birth Guide to Registering Your Child's Birth in BC
Chinese Marriage A Guide to the Marriage Licence and Registration of Marriage Form in BC
Chinese Certificate A Guide to Applying for Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates in BC


Vietnamese Birth Guide to Registering Your Child's Birth in BC
Vietnamese Marriage A Guide to the Marriage Licence and Registration of Marriage Form in BC
Vietnamese Certificate A Guide to Applying for Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates in BC


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