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Séminaires offerts par PME C.-B.

Category: Start-Up
Date: November 29, 2005
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p
Cost: Free Free
Seminar Level: Level 1
Location: Small Business BC - 601 West Cordova, Vancouver


This seminar covers basic small business start-up information and is designed for the client in the "thinking of starting a business" stage. Includes information on all the basic legal requirements including business name reservation and registration,  licensing, GST, PST, and WCB registration, income tax and labour requirements. All of the resources and services of Small Business BC are highlighted  with emphasis on business planning tools, seminars, export services, a demonstration of our website and other resources such as the Centre's library and bookstore.

Who Should Attend:

Are you thinking about starting a business but have no idea how to begin? START SMART! Level I is the seminar for you.


Bridget Field of Small Business BC


Thanks for your interest in the Small Business BC Business Seminars. At Small Business BC, we provide quality learning opportunities at affordable prices for all prospective business owners. If, for whatever reason attendees must cancel their seminar registration(s), we will provide full refunds for all related fees, if cancellation is no later than 1 week before the date of the seminar concerned. Should registrants need to cancel within 1 week of the seminar date up to and including the day of the seminar, we will gladly refund 80% of the total registration fee.