Symbol of the government of Quebec

Assistance Program for Private Forest Management

Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune - MRNF

Last Verified: 2007-02-19

This document was prepared with the information on the ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune’s Web site.

The Assistance program for private forest management provides financial and technical assistance to forest producers to help them carry out forestry activities in private forests with a view to protecting and developing registered wood lots.

Regional private forest development agencies are responsible for administrating the program, which is adapted to the needs of private wood lot owners in each territory.

Eligibility Criteria


Any wood lot owner recognized as a forest producer who has prepared a management plan for his registered properties.

To be recognized as a forest producer under Section 120 of the Forest Act, the producer must have ownership of a forest area of not less than 4 hectares in a single block (10 acres or 12 square arpents) for which a forest management plan has been certified by a forestry engineer as being consistent with the bylaws of the competent regional agency for private forest development. As well, the owner of a private forest of at least 800 hectares in a single block must be a member in good standing of a fire protection agency.

Eligible Activities

  • Preparation of forest management plans;
  • Technical assistance;
  • Execution of sylviculture work;
  • Supply of plants for reforestation.


Reimbursement of 80% of the cost of work performed. The maximum financial assistance granted and the nature of admissible work varies with the agencies. However, the percentage of the amount reimbursed for work is the same for all the agencies, i.e., 80%.

Since the deadlines for registration vary, you should check with the Forêt Québec office in your region.

For more information, consult the Web site at (In French only)

Quebec Contact(s):
Service aux citoyens et aux entreprises
Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune
RC 120-C
880 chemin Sainte-Foy
Québec, Quebec  G1S 4X4
Telephone: 418 627-8600
Fax: 418 644-6513
Toll-free (information): 1 866 248-6936, 1 866 CITOYEN