Symbol of the government of Quebec

Natural Gas Technologies Centre (NGTC)

Non-Governmental Organizations

Last Verified: 2007-04-18

The Natural Gas Technologies Centre (NGTC) performs research and development activities. The Centre is incorporated as non-profit* with Gaz Métro as founding members. Its mission is to carry out, in partnership with the natural gas industry, applied research, development and technology transfer projects for its clients, thus contributing to their competitiveness.

Eligibility Criteria

Canadian companies and organizations involved in the commercial, institutional and industrial use of natural gas, as gas distributors, equipment manufacturers, major consumers of natural gas, universities and governments.


What services are offered?

  • technical and techno-economic studies;
  • technology scans;
  • product evaluation, improvement and adaptation on technical, economic or market aspects;
  • technology development including proof-of-concept and commercial product development based on client specifications;
  • on-site technology demonstration and implementation;
  • consultancy services: techno-economic, management of technology and university research.

For more information, visit the Natural Gas Technologies Centre Web site.

*Note: "non-profit" also known as nonprofit organizations, non profit organizations, not-for-profit organizations, voluntary organizations and volunteer organizations.

Quebec Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Natural Gas Technologies Centre (NGTC)
1350 Nobel Street, Suite 150
Boucherville, Quebec  J4B 5H3
Telephone: 450-449-4774
Fax: 450-449-4994
Web site: