Symbol of the government of Quebec

Export Controls Online (EXCOL)

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (FAITC)

Last Verified: 2007-04-23

Exporters can use Export Controls On-Line (EXCOL) to submit applications for export permits and certificates, as well as request amendments. EXCOL also offers the functionality to submit online, quarterly utilisation reports for military goods, as well as the ability to print selected permits in your office.


EXCOL provides secure online access to Canadian exporters through the use of epass, the Government of Canada Secure Channel. The connection is fully encrypted from your computer to the server. EXCOL is a "Zero Footprint Application", meaning that nothing needs to be installed on your computer.

EXCOL exporters are either “Recognized” or “Non Recognized”. By default, exporters are Non Recognized, with the option to register and become recognized. All clients are able to submit the following online:

  • Export Permits;
  • International Import Certificates (IIC);
  • Delivery Verification Certificates (DVC);
  • Advisory Opinions.

Non Recognized: Default

Non Recognized clients can also:

  • access the Web site, download the new forms, print and mail to the Export Controls Division (TIE) for processing;
  • submit applications for Export Permits, IICs, DVCs and Advisory Opinion requests online via the Web site; and
  • attach electronic copies of support documentation.

Recognized: Added functionalities

Recognized clients can also:

  • use the EXCOL system to submit all applications online;
  • attach electronic copies of support documentation to the applications online;
  • save partially completed applications to finish them later;
  • copy previously submitted applications, modify them and submit as new;
  • request Permit Amendments online;
  • verify status of all submitted applications online;
  • retrieve and print selected issued permits and certificates online;
  • submit Utilization Reports online to TIE;
  • perform all Non Recognized (default) user functions.

For more information on how to become a recognized user of EXCOL and enrolment details, please visit the EXCOL Web site.

Quebec Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
EXCOL Registration
Export Import Controls Bureau
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Sussex Pavilion, 7th Floor
Lester B. Pearson Building
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0G2
Telephone: 613-944-1265
Toll-free (information): 1-877-808-8838
Web site: