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Education Programs

Home Buyers, Home Owners and Owner/Builders:

  • Self-Help Course - From land selection to costing and contracting this course offers practical information on how to manage the construction or renovation of your own home. Recognized experts typically deliver the course over twelve 3-hour sessions. The course is co-sponsored by Yukon College.

Industry Professionals:

  • R-2000 Builder Updates and Workshops - This program and the training offered through Yukon Housing Corporation covers the principles of building high quality, energy efficient, healthy homes.
  • Heating, Refridgeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) Series - This series of heating and ventilation certification courses includes: Ventilation System Design; Heating System Design; Integrated Combo System Design; and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Commissioning. The courses are offered to designers, installers and service specialists in the residential building industry.
  • EnerGuide Evaluator Training - This week-long certification course covers the principles and techniques of conducting energy efficiency evaluations under Natural Resources Canada's EnerGuide program. Each student must also successfully complete a practicum involving evaluations of three houses. Yukon Housing Corporation conducts its own pre and post evaluations of these initial three homes, followed by spot evaluations on three of the next ten houses the new Evaluator has rated. Thereafter, Yukon Housing Corporation conducts random checks of the Evaluator's work to ensure the rigorous standards of the EnerGuide program are being upheld.

Need more information on any of these programs? We welcome your call or visit or send us an email including your daytime telephone number - a Program Officer will call you within two business days.


Contact Us:

410H Jarvis Street
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2H5
Phone: (867) 667-5759
Fax: (867) 667-3664
Toll free (In Yukon): 1-800-661-0408, local 5759

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