
Nursing Bursary Program

More Information

The 2007 bursaries have been awarded. Some changes to the policy are anticipated, so please check back in the spring of 2008.

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First introduced in 1999, the Yukon nursing education bursary is intended to support people who live or have lived in the Yukon to attend nursing school. The bursary will be made available to up to four new students per year and the maximum amount available will be $5,000/year for up to four years of nursing school. Applicants will be selected by a bursary committee made up of representatives from the Yukon Registered Nurses Association, Council of Yukon First Nations, Whitehorse General Hospital, Community Nursing and Continuing Care.

Decisions will be made by the Bursary Committee no later than August 15. All applicants shall be notified once the decision has been made. Applicants who are denied funding in one year may reapply in any subsequent year.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants are required to provide the following information in order to be eligible to receive the bursary:

  • Proof of Canadian citizenship or landed immigrant status maintained throughout the period of the bursary.
  • Proof of current or previous residency in the Yukon of at least three consecutive years within the last five years.
  • Copy of letter of acceptance into an approved Canadian baccalaureate nursing education program. This can be conditional pending final acceptance.


Decisions will be made by the Bursary Committee no later than August 15.

From those applicants eligible for the bursary, a maximum of four new students each year will be approved according to the ability to meet one or more of the following selection criteria:

  • Demonstrated interest and/or commitment in health care services as indicated through personal, employment, education or volunteer history (references with contact information are required).
  • Demonstrated interest in working in nursing in Yukon on completion of nursing education.
  • Preference will be given to those applicants with the least amount of financial support from other funding agencies.
  • Yukon First Nation citizen.

Terms of Bursary

Once a person qualifies to receive the bursary, he or she may continue receiving it for a maximum of four years of nursing education, provided that the academic achievement standards required by the program are maintained.

A person who has been selected to receive the bursary and who subsequently interrupts academic studies may continue receiving the bursary upon reenrollment provided that he or she continues to meet eligibility criteria and academic achievement standards.

Students taking nursing education on a part-time basis are eligible to apply for the bursary. The amount of the bursary will be prorated according to the number of courses being taken in relation to a full-time course load or the number of credits being taken in relation to credits for full-time students. It is the responsibility of the part-time student to provide the information on course load and credits in relation to a full-time course load. The guide for payment of bursary shall be an amount of $500 per course per semester.

Students who are awarded a full-time bursary and reduce their course load to part-time during a term will continue to receive the full-time bursary amount for that term. They will be required to indicate their intentions for the subsequent term and to provide supporting evidence. The bursary amount they receive in subsequent terms shall be adjusted according to their course load.


June 30th – complete applications must be received by this date.

Applications shall include personal information including:

  • full name
  • address
  • telephone and email contact information
  • residency information
  • information on funding available to the applicant from any other agency to assist with education costs, including the name of each agency and the amount received or expected from that source.

Copies of documents to meet eligibility criteria are required (e.g. birth certificate or citizenship certificate to demonstrate Canadian citizenship).

Proof of Yukon residency for three consecutive years of the past five years. Proof can be demonstrated through items such as Yukon Health Insurance Service records, employer’s note, school principal's note.

A letter indicating interest in and/or commitment to health care services through personal, employment, education or volunteer history is required as part of the application package. This letter should include reference names and contact information that can be used to verify experience.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Complete applications, with copies of all required documents, shall be sent or delivered to the following address on or before June 30th:

The Nursing Education Bursary Committee
Community Nursing
#2 Hospital Road
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 3H8