Symbol of the government of Quebec

Youth Awareness

Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)

Last Verified: 2007-11-22

Youth Awareness provides financial assistance for projects designed to address labour market issues facing communities and can be used to develop and implement human resource strategies to meet employers’ current and future human resource needs.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible, a sponsor has to be:

  • a business;
  • an organization;
  • an individual;
  • a public health institution;
  • an education institution;
  • a band/tribal council; or
  • a municipal government.


Youth Awareness is an initiative funded under Employment Insurance (EI) Part II that complements the Youth Employment Strategy. Project activities must clearly demonstrate they will improve the capacity of employers to deal with human resource requirements. Youth Awareness projects do not have direct participants, however, youth are normally the target audience of the project.

Youth Awareness projects are delivered at both the national, regional and local levels. Sponsors interested in developing Youth Awareness projects, or submitting proposals for funding should contact their local Service Canada Centre.

Quebec Contact(s):
Service Canada Centres
For a complete list of all Service Canada Centres please visit the Web site or check the government listings in your telephone directory.
Web site:

National Contact(s):
Service Canada Centres
Toll-free (information): 1-800-277-9914