Symbol of the government of Quebec

Entrepreneurship Assistance – Côte-Nord (Region 09)

Last Verified: 2006-12-01

This document contains contact information for the key economic development stakeholders in your region.

In addition, we suggest you consult the other Info-Guides listed at the end of this document.


1. Government of Québec
2. Government of Canada
3. Economic Development Organisations
    3.1 Local Development Centres (CLDs)
    3.2 Local Employment Centres (CLEs)
    3.3 Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs)
    3.4 Carrefour jeunesse-emploi (CJE)
    3.5 Community Economic Development Corporations (CEDCs) and others
4. Regional Information Portals


Investissement Québec
Investissement Québec is in the service of Québec businesses by offering financing products that work for companies, cooperative businesses and non-profit organisations at every stage: start-up, expansion, export, R&D activities, merger and acquisition. For more information, contact your local office or visit

454, avenue Arnaud
Sept-Îles (Québec) G4R 3A9
Tel.: 1 866 870-0437

Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation (MDEIE)
The mission of the MDEIE is to support economic and regional development as well as research promoting coordination and dialogue among various economic and scientific players to support job creation, economic prosperity, scientific development, and sustainable development. For more information, contact your local office or visit

625, boulevard Laflèche, RC 711
Baie-Comeau (Québec) G5C 1C5
Tel.: 418 589-4345, 1 866 740-2133
Fax: 418 295-4199

Ministère de la Culture et des Communications et de la Condition féminine
The mission of the ministère de la Culture et des Communications et de la Condition féminine is to promote the affirmation, expression, and democratisation of culture and the development of communications in Québec and to promote their expansion overseas. It maximises spin-offs in terms of artistic quality and the enrichment of the community and promotes the regional, national, and international development of companies and organisations involved in culture and communications. For more information, contact your local office or visit

625, boulevard Laflèche, bureau 1.806
Baie-Comeau (Québec) G5C 1C5
Tel.: 418 295-4979
Fax: 418 295-4070

Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ)
The mission of MAPAQ is to influence and support the sustainable development of Québec's bio-food industry through actions targeting the production, processing, marketing, and consumption of agricultural and seafood products. It also plays an important role in research and development, education, and training. For more information, contact your local office or visit

801 chemin du Pont-Taché Nord
Alma (Québec) G8B 5W2
Tel.: 418 662-6457, 1 888 222-6272
Fax: 418 668-8694

Revenu Québec
The role of Revenu Québec is to administer taxation-related social programs, as well as any other tax-collection and redistribution program entrusted to it by the government. Revenu Québec makes recommendations to the government concerning fiscal policy and programs. For more information, contact your local office or visit

391, avenue Brochu, bureau 1.04
Sept-Îles (Québec) G4R 4S7
Tel.: 1 800 567-4692

La Financière agricole du Québec
The mission of La Financière agricole du Québec is to support and encourage the development of the agricultural and agri-food sectors within a perspective of sustainable development. In fulfilling its mission, the agency focuses in particular on the development of the primary sector. For more information, contact your local office or visit;_cache=1&=&L;=1

5055, boulevard Hamel Ouest, bureau 100
Québec (Québec) G2E 2G6
Tel.: 418 528-1552, 1 800 749-3646
Fax: 418 528-1680

Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs
The mission of the Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs is to protect the environment and natural ecosystems for the benefit of current and future generations. Its leading role is to promote sustainable development and, in keeping with that responsibility, it aims to keep the environment healthy within the confines of economic development and social progress. For more information, contact your local office or visit

818, boulevard Laure, RC
Sept-les (Québec) G4R 1Y8
Tel.: 418 964-8888
Fax: 418 964-8023
202, boulevard Comeau
Baie-Comeau (Québec) G4Z 3A8
Tel.: 418 294-8888
Fax: 418 294-8018

Services Québec
The services provided by Services Québec are general services meant for citizens and businesses from the range of services already offered by Communication-Québec, as well as certain services that have been confided to Services Québec by a few departments and agencies. For more information, contact your local office or visit

456, avenue Arnaud, RC 01
Sept-Îles (Québec) G4R 3B1
Tel.: 1 877 644-4545

625, boulevard Laflèche, RC 701
Baie-Comeau (Québec) G5C 1C5
Tel.: 1 877 644-4545

1280, de la Digue, bureau 200
Havre-Saint-Pierre (Québec) G0G 1P0
Tel.: 1 877 644-4545

134, route 138 Est
Forestville (Québec) G0T 1E0
Tel.: 1 877 644-4545


Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)
BDC offers financial services, consulting services, subordinate financing and venture capital. They have a particular focus on the emerging and exporting sectors of the economy. Many counsellors are available to assist clients in various aspects of their business. For more information, contact your local office or visit

701, boulevard Laure, bureau 202B
C.P. 698
Sept-Îles (Québec) G4R 4K9
Tel.: 418 968-1420
Fax: 418 962-2956

Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
The Department of Human Resources and Social Development is responsible for providing the tools you need to grow and prosper at work and in the community. For more information, contact your local office or visit

Service Canada Offices

Côte-Nord (Sept-Îles)
701, boul. Laure, 3e étage
Sept-Îles (Québec) G4R 1X8
Tel.: 418 962-5501, 1 800 463-1757
Fax: 418 962-8301
Baie Comeau
235, boul. Lasalle, 2e étage
Baie-Comeau (Québec) G4Z 2Z4
Tel.: 418 962-5501, 1 800 463-1757
Fax: 418 296-6446

134, autoroute 138 Est
Forestville (Québec) G0T 1E0
Tel.: 418 962-5501, 1 800 463-1757
Fax: 418 587-4956

Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED)
The mandate of the Agency is to promote the economic development of the regions of Québec, paying special attention to those experiencing slow economic growth and inadequate employment, with a view to the enhancement of prosperity and employment in the long term. It elicits, guides and supports the implementation of development projects with financial assistance, information and referrals as well as advice and guidance. For more information, contact your local office or visit

701, boulevard Laure, bureau 202B
C.P. 698
Sept-Îles (Québec) G4R 4K9
Tel.: 418 968-3426, 1 800 463-1707
Fax: 418 968-0806


3.1 Local Development Centres (CLDs)

CLDs are non-profit organisations, administered by the community and reporting to a board of directors representing various local economic and employment partners. They offer first-line technical and financial support and assistance services to potential entrepreneurs and existing companies, whatever their age or development stage. Each CLD administers specific assistance programs. For more information, contact your local CLD or visit

CLD de la Basse-Côte Nord
C.P. 10
Chevery (Québec) G0G 1G0
Tel.: 418 787-2125, 418 461-2652
Fax: 418 787-2126, 418 461-2651
CLD de la MRC de Caniapiscau
Centre commercial,  local 42, C.P. 68
Fermont (Québec) G0G 1J0
Tel.: 418 287-3506, 1 888 211-2222
Fax: 418 287-5215

CLD de la Haute-Côte-Nord
26, rue de la Rivière, bureau 102
Les Escoumins (Québec) G0T 1K0
Tel.: 418 233-3230
Fax: 418 233-3202

CLD de Manicouagan
67, place La Salle, bureau 401
Baie-Comeau (Québec) G4Z 1K1
Tel.: 418 296-2593, 1 888 526-2642
Fax: 418 296-2636

CLD de la MRC des
Sept-Rivières inc.
544, rue De Quen
Sept-Îles (Québec) G4R 2R4
Tel.: 418 962-7677
Fax: 418 968-2084

CLD Minganie
1280, de la Digue, bureau 206
Havre-Saint-Pierre (Québec) G0G 1P0
Tel.: 418 538-3803
Fax: 418 538-3789

3.2 Local Employment Centres (CLEs)

Each CLE provides resources and services for people who need employment or last resort assistance and to employers who have job openings and who have questions about the labour force and skills development. All CLEs have a reception area, a multiservice room, and financial assistance services. Employment assistance services are also provided in most CLEs. For more information, contact your local CLE or visit

Direction régionale
550, boul. Blanche
Baie-Comeau (Québec) G5C 2B3
Tel.: 418 295-4020, 1 800 463-6443
Fax: 418 295-4437
CLE Baie-Comeau
625, boul. Laflèche, bureau 1.810
Baie-Comeau (Québec) G5C 1C5
Tel.: 418 589-3709, 1 800 463-8542
Fax: 418 295-4144

CLE des Escoumins
459, route 138
Les Escoumins (Québec) G0T 1K0
Tel.: 418 233-2501
Fax: 418 233-3138

CLE Forestville
134, route 138 Est
Forestville (Québec) G0T 1E0
Tel.: 418 587-6611,  1 800 463-0738
Fax: 418 587-2201

CLE Havre-Saint-Pierre
1280, de la Digue, bureau 200
Havre-Saint-Pierre (Québec) G0G 1P0
Tel.: 418 538-2288, 1 800 463-0735
Fax: 418 538-3660

CLE Port-Cartier
2, rue Élie-Rochefort
Port-Cartier (Québec) G5B 2N2
Tel.: 418 766-6932
Fax: 418 766-7240

CLE Sept-îles
456, avenue Arnaud, RC, bureau 11
Sept-Îles (Québec) G4R 3B1
Tel.: 418 962-6545, 1 800 663-1934
Fax: 418 962-9142

3.3 Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs)

CFDCs are non-profit organisations funded by Canada Economic Development. Their mission is to promote the creation, consolidation, and development of companies in Québec's regions through the provision of technical and financial services. CFDCs manage an investment fund enabling them to grant loans, loan guarantees, and equity investments promoting the start-up, expansion, or stabilisation of companies. For more information, contact your local CFDC or visit

SADC Manicouagan
67, Place LaSalle, bureau 301
Baie-Comeau (Québec) G4Z 1K1
Tel.: 418 296-6956
Fax: 418 296-5176
SADC Haute-Côte-Nord
445, route 138
Les Escoumins (Québec) G0T 1K0
Tel.: 418 233-3495
Fax: 418 233-2485

SADC Côte-Nord inc .
456, avenue Arnaud, bureau 205
Sept-Îles (Québec) G4R 3B1
Tel.: 418 962-7233, 1 877 962-7233
Fax: 418 968-5513

3.4 Carrefour jeunesse-emploi

The mandate of Carrefours jeunesse-emploi is to guide and support young adults (16-35) in their efforts to integrate society and the economy. By guiding them in their efforts to find employment, return to school, or start a small business, the services and activities of these organisations aim to improve the general living conditions of young people. For more information, contact your local CJE or visit (in French only)

CJE de Manicouagan
859, rue Bossé, local 205
Baie-Comeau (Québec) G5C 3P8
Tel.: 418 589-8589
Fax: 418 589-9589
CJE Duplessis
263, rue Papineau
Sept-Îles (Québec) G4R 4J2
Tel.: 418 961-2533, 1 888 965-2533
Fax: 418 968-1229

CJE de La Haute-Côte-Nord
26, de la Rivière, bureau 103
Les Escoumins (Québec) G0T 1K0
Tel.: 418 233-3838
Fax: 418 233-3939

3.5 Community Economic Development Corporations (CEDCs) and others

Association touristique régionale de Manicouagan
337, boulevard Lasalle, bureau 304
Baie-Comeau (Québec) G4Z 2Z1
Tel.: 418 294-2876, 1 888 463-5319
Fax: 418 294-2345

Centre d'expérimentation et de développement en forêt boréale
537, boulevard Blanche
Baie-Comeau (Québec) G5C 2B2
Tel.: 418 295-2240, 1 800 463-2030 poste 240
Fax: 418 295-2240

Corporation de développement économique de la région de Port-Cartier
24, boul. des îles, bureau 112
Port Cartier (Québec) G5B 2G7
Tel.: 418 766-8383
Fax: 418 766-8324

Conférence régionale des élus (CRE)
625, boulevard Laflèche, bureau 204
Baie-Comeau (Québec) G5C 1C5
Tel.: 418 589-5781 poste 0, 1 877 463-5781
Fax: 418 589-5817

Coopérative de développement régional Bas Saint-Laurent / Côte-Nord
Édifice Bissot
456, avenue Arnaud, bureau 200
Sept-Îles (Québec) G4R 3B1
Tel.: 418 962-6054
Fax: 418 962-6345

Conseil de la culture de la Côte-Nord
625, boulevard Laflèche, local 204-A
Baie-Comeau (Québec) G5C 1C5
Tel.: 418 589-6744
Fax: 418 295-1991

Corporation de Soutien au Développement Technologique des PME (CSDT-PME)
300, allée des Ursulines, C.P. 3300
Rimouski (Québec) G5L 3A1
Tel.: 418 723-1986 poste 1900, 1 800 511-3382 poste 1900
Fax: 418 724-1683 

Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec

Fonds régionaux de solidarité FTQ
818, boulevard Laure, bureau 101
Sept-Îles (Québec) G4R 1Y8
Tel.: 418 968-3784, 1 800 792-2488
Fax: 418 962-2988

Groupement des chefs d'entreprises
Tel.: 418 849-8526

Palais de justice – Baie-Comeau
71, avenue Mance
Baie Comeau (Québec) G4Z 1N2
Tel.: 418 296-5534, 1 866 854-4075
Fax: 418 294-8717


Côte-Nord Regional Portal

Canada Economic Development Portal for the Côte-Nord Region

Québec Forest Industry Council

Québec municipal

Québec Portal


Info entrepreneurs
380 St-Antoine Street West, local 6000
Montréal, Quebec  H2Y 3X7
Telephone: 514-496-4636
Fax: 514-496-5934 Toll Free / Sans frais 1-888-417-0442
Toll-free (information): 1-800-322-4636
TTY Toll-free (hearing impaired): 1-800-457-8466
Web site:
Hours of operation:
Regulars Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Summer Hours: (from June 25 to Labour Day) 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Documentation Centre (Library) Hours for On-Site Research: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday to Friday

Ressources Entreprises
Suite 290
2014 Cyrille-Duquet Street
Québec, Quebec  G1N 4N6
Telephone: 418 649-INFO (4636)
Fax: 418 682-1144
Toll-free (information): 1-800-322-INFO (4636)
Web site:

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.