Symbol of the government of Quebec

Canadian Environmental Solutions

Industry Canada (IC)

Last Verified: 2007-09-04

The Canadian Environmental Solutions (CES) is an online directory of over 2 200 Canadian companies that provide expertise to address environmental challenges faced by every sector of the economy.

Here in Canada, CES helps all levels of government as well as industry to locate companies that provide environmental products and services. Internationally, trade officers in Canadian Embassies around the world use the CES to promote Canadian environmental companies to the local municipalities and international companies wishing to do business with Canada. And best of all, participation is at no cost to your company!

Eligibility Criteria

Who can register?  

To qualify as a client for CES, an organization must:
1.  be a Canadian company;
2.  provide solutions to environmental problems;
3.  offer products or services that are commercially available.


Why should your company be listed in the CES?

To extend your marketing reach domestically and internationally!

  • The CES is promoted at major environmental tradeshows including Globe and Americana. Both are internationally-recognized events. Globe is held every even year in Vancouver and Americana is held every odd year in Montreal.
  • Trade officers in Canadian Embassies around the world also play a major role in promoting Canadian capabilities. Amongst other tools, they use the CES to promote Canadian environmental companies to the local municipalities and companies wishing to do business with Canada.  
  • The CES is also one of the tools used to identify companies that could be invited to participate on trade missions to different countries in the world.
  • Finally, the CES is a great tool to create alliances amongst Canadian companies.

Quebec Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Corey Peabody
Environmental Industries Directorate
Industry Canada
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0H5
Telephone: 613-941-4214
Fax: 613-952-9564