Symbol of the government of Quebec

Circovirus Inoculation Program - Hogs

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)

Last Verified: 2008-01-17

The Circovirus Inoculation Program (CIP) may provide up to $500 000 in assistance per eligible hog producer or herd manager for expenses associated with herd testing and vaccination as they relate to PCVAD2*.

Eligibility Criteria


Eligible applicants under the diagnostic testing element of the program are hog owners or herd managers whose animals (including sows, boars, bred gilts and piglets) were or are part of a herd tested for PCVAD2* between March 1, 2006, and December 31, 2008. Certification of diagnostic testing by a veterinarian is required.


Eligible applicants under the vaccination element of the program are hog owners or herd managers whose animals (including sows, boars, bred gilts and piglets) were or are part of a herd that tested positive for PCVAD2. Certification by a veterinarian is required.

Eligible Area

Canadian provinces




The Circovirus Inoculation Program (CIP) represents the first phase of a two-phase approach under the Control of Diseases in the Hog Industry to provide assistance and support to hog producers and the industry. The second phase includes:

  • research;
  • bio-security best management practices; and
  • the development of long-term risk management solutions.

The CIP consists of two key elements, both of which provide financial assistance to hog producers:

  • Diagnostic testing -- the element provides compensation of up to 50% of eligible costs for all eligible hog producers who have their animals tested for PCVAD2 by a qualified veterinarian. Applicants can qualify for financial assistance to a maximum of $150 per test, $2 000 per fiscal year and $4 000 over the life of the program.
  • Vaccination -- the element provides compensation of up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $1.00 per piglet and $7.00 per gilt, sow and/or boar ($500 000 maximum). Compensation under this element will be based on a diagnostic test that indicates evidence of PCVAD2 in the herd.

Note: The CIP is administered in all provinces by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA).
* Porcine Circovirus Associated Diseases (PCVAD2)

Quebec Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Circovirus Inoculation Program and the Initiative for the Control of Diseases in the Hog Industry
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Toll-free (information): 1-800-667-8567
Web site: