Symbol of the government of Quebec

Computers for Schools

Industry Canada (IC)

Last Verified: 2007-07-06

Canada's Computers for Schools (CFS) initiative helps schools, libraries and not-for-profit* learning organizations take full advantage of the information age by channelling refurbished surplus computers into classrooms, public libraries and places of learning across Canada. Businesses and governments are encouraged to donate their Pentium III level and up surplus computers to CFS so that they can be repaired, refurbished and distributed to Canadian schools, libraries and not-for-profit learning organizations.

Eligibility Criteria

All public and private schools from kindergarten to grade 12, all public libraries and not-for-profit learning organizations are eligible to receive computers from CFS.


Canada's Computers for Schools is a national initiative founded in 1993 by the federal government and the TelecomPioneers, and delivered in partnership with the provincial and territorial governments, businesses, communities, educators and volunteer groups.

CFS Invites the Donation of Your Surplus Computers

What are the benefits?

Because of your action, you will:

  • help young Canadians gain greater access to information technology and develop the skills required in a global knowledge-based economy;
  • turn your surplus computers from an environmental liability into a valuable resource for schools, public libraries and not-for-profit learning organizations, at little or no cost to your organization;
  • support a nationally recognized initiative that is successful in every province and territory;
  • assist in the establishment of more repair centres and workshops that provide a practical, hands-on training ground for students and others to gain valuable IT experience; and
  • contribute to the reduction of the "digital divide" by enabling equal access to technology to students throughout Canada and provide access to segments of the Canadian population that might not otherwise have exposure to information technology.

Not-for-profit organizations are responsible for delivering the program in their respective regions. This includes collecting, repairing, refurbishing and distributing surplus computers to schools, libraries and not-for-profit learning organizations. 

*Note: "non-profit" also known as nonprofit organizations, non profit organizations, not-for-profit organizations, voluntary organizations and volunteer organizations.

Quebec Contact(s):
Maryse Lavoie
Provincial Coordinator
Ordinateurs pour les écoles du Québec
18th Floor
1800 McGill College
Montréal, Quebec  H3A 3J6
Telephone: 514-870-8045
Fax: 514-391-2012
Web site:

National Contact(s):
Computers for Schools Program
Industry Canada
8th Floor
155 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0H5
Telephone: 613-957-1536
Fax: 613-957-1201
Toll-free (information): 1-888-636-9899
Web site: