Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-223
November 15, 2006

Shorter Wait Lists For Ophthalmology Patients

WHITEHORSE - Yukon residents waiting for specialist eye consultations and surgeries will have a shorter wait these days with the addition of a second ophthalmologist in the Yukon.  Dr. Bob Woods will be visiting the Yukon five times a year. His first visit was in late October and early November.

"This is very good news for the Yukon," Health and Social Services Minister Brad Cathers said. "It means that more Yukon residents requiring this kind of ophthalmology services can have it done in the territory, with less waiting and no out-of-territory travel. This step of adding a second ophthalmologist to the roster will greatly improve Yukoners’ access to services."

Patients who require diabetic screening, laser treatments, glaucoma assessments and surgery, cataract surgery and other minor surgeries, will no longer have to travel to Vancouver for these specialist services.

Craig Tuton, chair of the Yukon Hospital Corporation Board said he was pleased to be able to partner with the government on this initiative, and expand the services provided through the hospital.

"We continue to increase the breadth of service we can provide to Yukoners in the Yukon," Tuton said. "We know that people want to remain in the territory for their medical care and, where that is possible, we are working to make it happen."

Dr. Stanley Chan has been providing visiting specialist ophthalmology services for two years at Whitehorse General Hospital.

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 Albert Petersen   Pat Living, Communications  Val Pike
 Cabinet Communication  Health and Social Services  Whitehorse General Hospital
 (867) 633-7961  (867) 667-3673  Community Liaison  (867) 393-8784