Symbol of the government of Quebec

La financière des entreprises culturelles (FIDEC)

FIDEC, Entertainment Investment

Last Verified: 2007-06-14

This document was prepared with the information on the FIDEC Entertainment Investment’s Web site.

FIDEC is a limited partnership working to help cultural undertakings in the film, television production, blockbuster show, and artist promotion sectors to penetrate international markets.

Eligibility Criteria

Gap loans and Project financing
Quebec enterprises as well as foreign enterprises with strategic alliances with a Quebec company or a permanent place of business in Quebec and whose projects generate significant economic benefits in Quebec are eligible.

Acquisition of copyright and Equity, quasi-equity, and debt financing
Are reserved exclusively for Quebec-controlled companies.

Eligible Activities

  • Film and television productions;
  • Audiovisual, multimedia, musical comedy, circus arts, animated and IMAX productions;
  • Production of records, shows, interpretive arts, books, and fine crafts.


Using financing tools such as gap loans, project financing, acquisition of copyright, and equity, quasi-equity, and debt financing, FIDEC enables Quebec producers and distributors to support the realization or development of ambitious projects that may be marketed on the world stage.

FIDEC partners in the cultural and financial sectors contribute their know-how in the world of finance, international markets, and major creative trends to help enterprises calling upon their assistance pursue their expansion under optimal conditions.

1. Gap loans

  • guarantee for up to 40% of the financial structure;
  • a maximum of $5 million per project;
  • guarantee for a maximum of 36 months;
  • maximum of 30% of the capital committed by FIDEC in respect of a given company.

2. Project financing

  • maximum of $2 million per project;
  • maximum of 10% of the capital committed by FIDEC in respect of a given company.

3. Acquisition of copyright

  • maximum $2 million per project;
  • maximum of 10% of the capital committed by FIDEC in respect of a given company.

4. Equity, quasi-equity, or debt financing

  • maximum of $2 million;
  • an investment of up to 50% of the company’s capital stock.

For furthe information, visit

Quebec Contact(s):
La Financière des entreprises culturelles (FIDEC)
Suite 800
215 Saint-Jacques
Montréal, Quebec  H2Y 1M6
Telephone: 514 940-2200
Fax: 514 940-1528
Toll-free (information): 1-877-613-3312