Symbol of the government of Quebec

Fiscal Measures – SODEC

Société de développement des entreprises culturelles - SODEC

Last Verified: 2007-04-30

This document was prepared with the information on the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles du Québec’s Web site.

Financial assistance for Quebec’s cultural undertakings for film and television production, the production of sound recordings and concerts, and the publishing of books aims primarily to improve the effectiveness of government action by directing assistance toward production companies, ensuring more stable government support, and providing a financial lever for cultural enterprises.

These fiscal measures are administered by the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC), which is responsible for assessing the amount of the tax credit and the certification.  The Société also offers enterprises interim financing for the amount of the expected tax credit.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible companies are:

  • any legally constituted company (profit-seeking, incorporated, non-profit, cooperative, consortium, or limited partnership);
  • companies that have their head office in Quebec and whose effective control is exerted mainly by Quebec residents. The head office refers to the place where decisions are made and the company is actually managed.

In addition, eligible companies:

  • assume a financial risk in the operations that are the object of a funding request;
  • have been in operation for at least a year or operate in a new market niche without competition;
  • have the necessary human and financial resources to respect all financial obligations, particularly repayment of the requested loan, in accordance with the conditions determined by SODEC.

Eligible Activities

Film and television production
Film and television production services
Film dubbing
Production of sound recordings
Production of concerts
Publication of books


Consult the following Web sites (In French only):

Film and television

Refundable tax credit for film and television production
Refundable tax credit for film and television production services
Refundable tax credit for film dubbing
Interim financing of the tax credit for film and television production

Concert and music

Refundable tax credit for the production of sound recordins
Refundable tax credi for the production of concerts
Interim financing of the tax credit for the production of concerts
Interim financing of the tax credit for the production of sound recordings


Refundable tax credit for book publishing
Interim financing of the tax credit for book publishing

For more information, consult the Web site (In French only).

Quebec Contact(s):
Suite 800
215 Saint-Jacques
Montréal, Quebec  H2Y 1M6
Telephone: 514 841-2200
Fax: 514 873-4388
Toll-free (information): 1-800-363-0401