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Address :
1675, avenue des Hôtels
Québec (Québec) G1W 4S3

Parc Aquarium is located beside the bridges at the entrance to the west side of Québec City, just 15 minutes from downtown Québec City and 5 minutes from the large malls, Place Laurier, Place de la Cité and Place Sainte-Foy.

By car:
North shore: Take Highway Henri-IV (573), and the Avenue des Hôtels exit (132)
South shore: Take Pierre-Laporte Bridge or the Québec Bridge, then take Henri-IV (573) and the Avenue des Hôtels exit (132)

By bus:

see city bus routes (Réseau de transport de la Capitale (RTC) ( or call (418) 627-2511
Bus route 13 : Sainte-Foy
Bus route 25 : Gare du Palais/Place d’Youville/Pointe-de-Sainte-Foy

Please note that at certain times on summer weekends, RTC bus 13 will drive you right to the Parc Aquarium entrance. The schedule is now adapted to the Parc's business hours.

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