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Volonteer Program
Unique and Enriching!
Bouton Offre ServiceThe volunteer program, which has been in operation for 12 years now at Parc Aquarium du Québec, was put in place to meet customer service needs and actively support the institution’s regular staff. The very generous involvement of approximately sixty people is getting stronger year after year. Volunteering at Parc Aquarium is also communicating the humanism of the mission in terms of the advancement and appreciation of the natural sciences among youth, families and adults. The volunteer team transmits knowledge, helps visitors make discoveries, and plunges them in a fascinating world.

Now in a phase of full expansion, Parc Aquarium du Québec is recruiting volunteers. We are looking for a number of people who are interested in generously donating their time to help the organization meet its objectives and affirm its institutional leadership. Volunteering at the Aquarium is an enriching experience through which participants have a chance to expand their horizons.

Did You Know That the Parc Aquarium Volunteer Program is Unique
in the Québec Zoological Milieu?

Photo bénévoleThe Involvement of Volunteers
The Aquarium is looking for people 18 and over. They must be able to work in a team one half-day per week or two complete days per month, be in good physical condition, and have a very dynamic personality. These people will have special contact with visitors who have a thirst for knowledge and wonderment, and they will work in close collaboration with the staff on this magnificent site overlooking the St. Lawrence River and the Québec bridges.

Working in collaboration with the employees of Parc Aquarium, the volunteers help the institution to strengthen and improve its activities, and sometimes even to develop new ones.

Their support, experience, and skills are therefore necessary on several levels. The tasks of the support staff cover a number of activity sectors:
  • Reception, information, and customer service
  • Hosting activities on the sites
  • Supervising groups
  • Clerical and administrative activities (data compilation, document preparation, translation, bibliographic research)
  • Research activities (animal observation)
  • Promotion and marketing
  • And much more

Profile of a Volunteer
The Parc Aquarium du Québec team includes volunteers of all ages, who work in an atmosphere of camaraderie, help, support, and sharing.

Most of the Parc Aquarium volunteers are bilingual or have a basic knowledge of English. A number of them have a great deal of customer service and teaching experience, but other professionals regularly join the team, such as physicists, doctors, engineers, biologists, geographers, business managers, librarians, translators, etc. Self-employed workers, college and university students donate their time and experience in activity sectors related to their professional area of expertise or field of study.

Complete Free Training
The Aquarium provides training and supervision that meet specific needs. These training workshops allow volunteers to learn about zoological practices, the mission of the institution, and customer service, among other things. They are led by specialists such as veterinarians, animal guides, conservators of animal collections, entomologists, botanists, and communication specialists. Other advantages are also offered. Parc Aquarium tries to offer training that is motivating and stimulating in terms of knowledge acquisition and the experience of being a volunteer within the organization.

What about recognition ?
Recognition is Highlighted
The volunteer program allows the community to associate with the zoological life of the institution and with the accomplishment of its missions of education, conservation, research, and recreation. The contribution and the support this team of volunteers provides are very important. It is therefore necessary to give special recognition for the work they accomplish. Every year, Parc Aquarium holds a recognition event in order to say a big thank you to all of the volunteers and to highlight their contribution. Entertainment, a meal, participation prizes, certificates, and honourable mentions are part of the program of this fun evening, which allows everyone to meet and share their experiences.

Send us your application !!!
Fill the form and send it to the following address:

Become a Volunteer
Customer Service Coordinator
Parc Aquarium du Québec, Sépaq
1675 Avenue des Hôtels
Québec, (Québec) G1W 4S3
Telephone: 418 659-5266, ext. 268

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