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Assistance program for businesses - Project: Technology showcase

Ministère du Développement économique de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation - MDEIE

Last Verified: 2007-06-01

The purpose of this program is to help SMEs market technological innovations developed in Quebec. To make their first sale, these companies must demonstrate their product in real time.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible companies

To be eligible, the applicant company must:

  • Be legally constituted and conduct business in Quebec on the date of the application;
  • Have 200 employees or less. If a company employs more than 50 workers, it must comply with the business francisation requirements of the Office québécois de la langue française;
  • Carry out operations in areas within the jurisdiction of the MDEIE in one of the following categories: manufacturing, information and communication technology and waste and sanitation management; 
  • Hold intellectual property rights for the product or process being demonstrated.

Eligible Activities

Eligible projects

To be eligible, a project must involve demonstrating an innovative product or process.

Under this program, technological innovation means the creation of a new product or process or substantial improvement to an existing project or process based on scientific or technical knowledge and R&D.

When the project is analyzed, the technological innovation is assessed in relation to the sector of activity to which it pertains and on whether it advances technology and knowledge. Although obtaining R&D tax credits or a patent does not constitute proof that the product or process is innovative within the meaning of the program, they will be used as indicators when processing the application.

Eligible expenses

The eligible expenses are divided into four broad categories:

1. Implementation (hardware and software, etc.)
2. Demonstration for prospective clients (anslyses, tests, travel and accommodation expenses, etc.)
3. Marketing (salaries and fees of representatives, trade shows and fairs, promotional material etc.)
4. Project management and auditing of expenses (salaries and fees paid for project management, for prepare to statements of eligible, etc.) 


The program provides a non-reimbursable financial contribution towards a demonstration at a partner-client in Quebec or elsewhere in the world on how to use an innovative product or process. The innovation must have been developed in Quebec following structured R&D activities and must have not been sold. The partner-client in the project must agree to use the new product or process in day-to-day operations in one of its establishments and allow local and foreign potential customers of the applicant company to visit the demonstration site.

The assistance may take the form of a non-reimbursable contribution covering up to 40% of eligible project activities, up to $350,000. The total of the PSVT contribution, other public grants and tax credits must not exceed two thirds of the total project cost. As well, the total government assistance, including the investments, loans and loan guarantees granted cannot exceed 75% of the project costs. The financial contribution pertains to the preview, the duration of which cannot exceed 24 months, and is not renewable. Applications are accepted as long as funds are available.

Other conditions may apply.

Quebec Contact(s):
Service de la gestion des programmes
Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation
9th Floor
710 Place d'Youville
Québec, Quebec  G1R 4Y4
Telephone: 418 691-5698 ext. 5809
Fax: 418 643-6669