Symbol of the government of Quebec

Fund for the development and support of Murdochville

Ministère du Développement économique de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation - MDEIE

Last Verified: 2007-05-10

This document was prepared with the information on the ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation's Web site.

The fund for the development and support of Murdochville provides financial assistance for, the studies and the prospecting and welcoming of new investors, projects to support, consolidate, and develop existing companies and the creation of new companies.

Eligibility Criteria

Target clientele:

  • Companies
  • Cooperatives
  • Non-profit, incorporated organizations
  • Organizations in the education and health-care networks and training institutions
  • The regional county municipality

Eligible Activities

Projects or activities concerned:

  • Studies or research activities
  • Implementation of growth-generating pilot projects
  • Projects targeting the consolidation and development of companies
  • Support for Murdochville’s basic companies


Financial assistance takes the form of a grant.

For non-profit organizations, assistance may total:

  • 50% of project costs;
  • 70% of the costs of studies and activities.

For private companies or cooperatives, assistance may total:

  • 50% of project costs;
  • 60% of the costs of studies and activities. 

The total of all government assistance may not exceed 60% of eligible expenses.

Assistance to companies in the commercial sector:

  • In exceptional cases, financial assistance may be granted for a one-year period to basic companies essential to the population and the economic development of Murdochville.

Maximum assistance will be 50% of the company’s fixed expenses.

Fore more information, consult the Web site;=details.jsp&iddoc;=43596 (In French only)

Quebec Contact(s):
Regional Offices
Développement économique, de l'Innovation et de l'Exportation - MDEIE
Suite 10-A
500 Daigneault Avenue
Chandler, Quebec  G0C 1K0
Telephone: 418 689-2019
Fax: 418 689-4108
Toll-free (information): 1-866-463-6642
Web site:;=67360