BC Student Outcomes

About the project
Outcomes Working Group
Student Outcomes Reporting System - Lite
Using outcomes data
What's new


Under the guidance of the Outcomes Working Group, BC Stats annually produces a number of standard reports and analytical papers, as well as specially requested reports on various topics.

Reports are in Portable Document Format (Adobe Acrobat). Adobe offers free software for viewing PDF files for Macintosh, Windows, UNIX and OS/2.

  1. Highlights
  2. BC Student Outcomes: Survey Results by Program for Former College and Institute Students
  3. Key Student Outcomes Indicators for BC Colleges and Institutes: Analysis by Institution
  4. BC Student Outcomes: Job Destinations of Former College and Institute Students
  5. BC Student Outcomes: Papers
  6. Special Reports
  7. Outcomes Questionnaires

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Ministry of Advanced Education BC STATS Outcomes Working Group