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By Topic
Aboriginal Peoples
Analysis, Census Profiles, Off-Reserve Labour Force

Business and Industry
Bankruptcies, Building Permits, Business Counts, Business Indicators, Business Plan, Business Profiles, Fisheries and Aquaculture, High Technology, Housing Starts, Hunting and Trapping, Incorporations, Industrial Classification, Manufacturing, Small Business, Small and Medium-Sized Exporters, Tourism

Census Data
Aboriginal Peoples Statistical Profiles, Fast Facts, Population and Housing, Profiles, Visible Minorities

Economic Statistics
Bankruptcies, Building Permits, Consumer Price Index, Economic Accounts, Gross Domestic Product, House Sales, Housing Starts, Income and Taxation, Incorporations, Manufacturing Shipments

Environmental Statistics
Air/Water Quality, Climate, Ecosystems, Emissions, Forests, Health Issues, Recycling, Waste Management

Exports and Imports
Exports, Imports, Interprovincial Trade, International Trade, Small and Medium-Sized Exporters, Softwood Lumber Dispute

Labour and Income
Earnings, Employment, Income, Labour Force, Participation Rate, Taxation, Unemployment, Wages and Salaries, Employment Projections

Mapping and Geography
Data Maps, Geographic Codes, Place Names, Regional Maps, Translation Master File

Population and Demographics
Births, Deaths, Fertility, Household Population, Methodology, Migration, Mortality, Population Estimates and Projections, Vital Statistics

Regional Statistics
Census Profiles, Households by Region, Population by Region

Social Statistics
Aboriginal Profiles, Dwelling Characteristics, Education, Employment Equity, Employment Insurance, Income Assistance, Regional Socio-Economic Profiles and Indices, Smoking Rates

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