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The BC Stats website is quite large, with a great deal of information available for free, as well as some data and analysis that is available only through subscription or through purchase from the BC Stats web store. Sometimes finding the information that is desired is difficult, which is why we have developed a PowerPoint presentation to highlight some of the search features of the BC Stats site.

Note that this slide show may not work properly with older versions of PowerPoint. For those users that do not have the PowerPoint program or have an older version, a PDF version of the presentation is also available.

There are several different approaches you can use to search the BC Stats site:

  • Do a keyword search using the Google search engine
  • Use the A-Z index or search by topic area
  • View the area profiles page to get a statistical picture of small areas in British Columbia
  • Go to the Regional Statistics section to find data with a particular geographic dimension

If you are looking for statistics related to businesses, you may want to check out the Business Gateway page, which offers a comprehensive listing of available data of interest to business owners or those thinking of starting a business.


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