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Population and Demographics

Population Estimates:

Population Estimates for Areas Within B.C.:

Small Area Historical Population Estimates - Total and Age/Sex

(e.g. Cities/Municipalities, Various Health Regions, Regional Districts, etc.)

Population Estimates for B.C., Canada and Other Provinces/Territories:

British Columbia: Quarterly Population 1951-2007 (Most Current Total Population)

British Columbia: 1867-2007 (July 1st Total population only)

British Columbia, Other Provincial and Territorial Populations: 1971-2007
(Age and Sex, July 1)

Canada: 1956-1971 (Age and Sex, July 1)

Census Data:

2006 Census Population Counts

2001 Census Population Counts and Census Profiles

1996 Census Population Counts and Census Profiles

1991 Census Profiles

Population Projections:

Population Projections to 2036 for BC
  (Age/Sex and components) and sub-provincial regions (totals only)

Health and other Administrative Regions (total and five year age groups) from our WebStore.

Statistics Canada's Projections of the Aboriginal Populations, Canada, Provinces and Territories 2001 to 2017

Other Demographic Subjects

Migration and Immigration

Vital Measures: Births and Deaths

Household Estimates and Projections

Methodology and Analysis

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