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Small Business Quarterly

Frequency: Discontinued

This release reports on the number of small businesses in B.C., their total employment, and the financial and economic environment in which they operate. Also included are new incorporations of British Columbia companies, and new registrations of extraprovincial companies, with a comparison to previous years. Each quarter, the report contains analytic articles covering topics such as changes in the number of businesses operating in the province, the value of bank loans to small businesses, a profile of small business in B.C., et cetera.

Approximately 12-14 pages.

PDF The articles highlighted below are all in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

  • online version of this report (including data tables) is free
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Current Issue: Second Quarter 2007

Feature Article:
Multiple Job Holders in B.C.

Out of Canada's total workforce of approximately 16.5 million people, a substantial 857 thousand have another job in addition to their main one—they moonlight...
Graphs, Tables: 2007 Q2

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