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Base Price
GSTTotal Price

Business Indicators12$60.00$3.60$63.60yes
Consumer Price Index12$60.00$3.60$63.60yes
Current Statistics12$50.00$3.00$53.00yes
Earnings & Employment Trends12$60.00$3.60$63.60yes
Exports (BC Origin)12$60.00$3.60$63.60yes
Labour Force Statistics12$60.00$3.60$63.60yes
Tourism Sector Monitor12$60.00$3.60$63.60yes
Immigration Highlights4$30.00$1.80$31.80yes
Migration Highlights4$30.00$1.80$31.80yes
Quarterly Regional Statistics4$100.00$6.00$106.00yes

Full Subscription [paper] $470.00$28.20$498.20 
Full Subscription [web] a savings of $286.20 over the paper edition! $212.00

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