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HealthyOntario.com is here to provide you with trusted health information and tools for healthy living.

Explore the site for nutrition and fitness information, health assessment tools, health stories, and healthcare resources in your neighbourhood. You can also find information on medical conditions, prescription drugs and much more.

Wintertime Health and Safety - Part 1

Wintertime Health and Safety - Part 1

Winter is a wonderful time of the year - except for winter driving and the endless snow shovelling. Is the thought of black ice and white snow giving you the blues? It needn't be. Being prepared can make winter an enjoyable and safe time of the year. Here's how.

February is Heart Month, Learn More >> THE DRIVEN TO QUIT CHALLENGE, Learn More >>

Health Features

Contraception - Part 1 Contraception - Part 1
Millions of Canadians use birth control, and yet more than 40% of pregnancies in Canada today are unplanned. Contraceptives will only prevent pregnancy if they're used properly and consistently, so it's important to know what your options are and to find the kind of birth control that works best for you.
Eating Disorders Eating Disorders
Many Canadians suffer from eating disorders. Eating disorders have a major impact on the lives of sufferers and their loved ones. Eating disorders can result in serious health problems. We've put together facts on these disorders, how to recognize them, and how to help someone who might be suffering from one.
Heart Health - Part 1 Heart Health - Part 1
Heart disease is the leading killer of Canadians. There are some risk factors you can't change, such as family history, age, and race. However, there are many important risk factors that you can work on: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle. Whatever your age, you can work towards a healthier heart.
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