Health Features

Heart Health - Part 1 Heart Health - Part 1
Heart disease is the leading killer of Canadians. There are some risk factors you can't change, such as family history, age, and race. However, there are many important risk factors that you can work on: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle. Whatever your age, you can work towards a healthier heart.
Your Body on Nicotine: The Inside Story Your Body on Nicotine: The Inside Story
Smoking affects almost every part of your body. It damages you on the inside and ages you on the outside. And, when you light up, people around you are forced to smoke too - whether they want to or not.
Life After Quit Day - Not Always Smooth! Life After Quit Day - Not Always Smooth!
So you’ve stopped smoking. Congratulations! But nicotine is very addictive and you will face a lot of temptation in the weeks ahead. You might even succumb to it and light up. Remember that thousands of people - about half of all smokers - have quit once and for all, and you can too! Find out what’s in store once you stop and how to win the long-term battle.

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