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Location: Ministry Home > Trucks and Buses > CSR/ CVOR Guideline

Public Guideline: Carrier Safety Rating and Commercial Vehicle Operator's Registration System

Table of Contents


  1. Glossary of Terms
  2. Legislation and Regulation
  3. Sample CVOR Abstracts and Glossaries
  4. Table of Threshold Values
  5. Accident Table
  6. Conviction Code Table
  7. Commercial Vehicle Inspection Report
  8. ServiceOntario Kiosk Locations
  9. How to Get Ministry Data
  10. Ontario Court of Justice Locations
  11. CVOR Formulas and Calculations
  12. CVOR Application Forms and Guides

For further information contact:

Carrier Safety and Enforcement Branch
Carrier Sanctions and Investigation Office
Ministry of Transportation
301 St. Paul Street, 3rd Floor
St. Catharines, Ontario
L2R 7R4

Tel: 1-800-387-7736 (Ontario only) or 416-246-7166
Fax: 905-704-2039

The information presented in this guideline is accurate to the time of publication. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The Ministry grants permission for this document to be reproduced on the condition that copies not be sold.

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Last Modified: December 20, 2002