Current Maps

NWT Resource Development Map

Image size 2.5m

NWT Explorers Map

Images size 1.2M

Northwest Territories Map

Image size 70k Printable Version
This map was created by The Atlas of Canada, Natural Resources Canada.

Northwest Territories Relief Map

Image size 94k Printable Version
This map was created by The Atlas of Canada, Natural Resources Canada.

Canada's Territories

Image size 107k Printable Version
This map was created by The Atlas of Canada, Natural Resources Canada.

Time Zones Map

Image size 130k Printable Version
This map was created by The Atlas of Canada, Natural Resources Canada.
Eman Sites & Ecozones
Image size 390k

Northwest Territories Boundaries
PDF size 299k

Contact these offices for more information.

Canada Map Office
Department of Natural Resources
130 Bentley Ave.
Nepean, ON
Canada K1A 0E9
Telephone: (613) 952-7000
Toll Free: 1-800-465-6277
Toll Free: 1-800-661-6277 (fax)


Tgit Geomatics Ltd.
(The Map Place)
P.O. Box 244
Suite 101 5016 50th Ave.
Yellowknife, NT
X1A 2N2
Telephone: (867) 873-8448
Fax: (867) 873-8439