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Ontario Government Website
Ministry of Community and Social Services
Ministry of Community and Social Services - Printer Friendly Version

Ministry of Community and Social Services
Minister of Community and Social Services
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Community Services Developmental Services Family Responsibility Office Social Assistance

The goal of the Ministry of Community and Social Services is to build thriving and inclusive communities sustained by the economic and civic contributions of all Ontarians. The ministry’s mission is to build resilience and remove obstacles that impede opportunity and participation in community life. It does this through policy development and program support for a broad range of services aimed at supporting Ontario’s most vulnerable citizens.

Key areas of responsibility include:

  • income and employment supports;
  • social and community services;
  • services for adults with developmental disabilities; and
  • achieving accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities.

Ministry-supported programs primarily serve people who are in financial need, women and children escaping domestic abuse, people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, adults with a developmental disability and families who receive court-ordered support payments.

The ministry works with people with disabilities and with public and private sector organizations to create an accessible society through the development and implementation of accessibility standards.

The ministry is also responsible for the framework that governs the disclosure of adoption information.

The services that the ministry supports are delivered in a variety of ways:

  • directly by ministry staff;
  • by municipal social services offices with costs shared between the province and municipalities;
  • by community organizations under transfer payment agreements with the ministry; and
  • by First Nations.

Through its programs and services, the ministry aims to build more resilient families and individuals, and stronger, accessible communities across Ontario.