Newfoundland and Labrador

Canada Feature Film Fund

Telefilm Canada

Last Verified: 2008-01-15

The spirit of the Canada Feature Film Fund's development, production and marketing programs (the main programs) is to encourage the making and marketing of Canadian feature films that have high box office potential, while supporting a range of genres, budgets, companies and regions.

Eligibility Criteria

Basic Criteria
In order to be eligible for the main programs, an applicant must be a Canadian-controlled corporation with its head office based in Canada, as defined in the Investment Canada Act. In addition, when assessing an applicant's eligibility, Telefilm Canada may choose to look at such factors as:

  • if the applicant's activities take place in Canada;
  • the financial stability of the applicant (with appropriate exceptions for new production companies without established parent companies); and
  • whether or not the applicant operates principally as a feature film production or distribution entity.

Furthermore, individual producers and other key production personnel exercising creative, financial and distribution control over the project submitted to Telefilm Canada must be Canadian citizens, within the definition of the Citizenship Act, or permanent residents within the definition of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada).

Eligible production and distribution companies must demonstrate to Telefilm Canada's satisfaction a commitment to producing and/or distributing Canadian feature films. Moreover, they must possess the experience and level of expertise necessary to complete or distribute the production. Telefilm Canada's specific requirements will vary depending on the nature and scope of the project.


The Canada Feature Film Fund (CFFF) includes:

  • the Development, Production and Marketing Programs (the main programs);
  • the Screenwriting Assistance Program;
  • the Low Budget Independent Feature Film Assistance Program;
  • programs for complementary activities, including:
    • Canada Showcase (Canadian film festivals);
    • International Festivals and Markets;
    • Versioning;
    • Alternative Distribution and Awards.

Collectively, these programs support the key goal of the CFFF, which is to increase the market share of Canadian films.

Spirit and Intent of the Development, Production and Marketing Programs (Main Programs)
The spirit and intent of the Canada Feature Film Fund's main programs is to encourage the making and marketing of Canadian feature films that have high box-office potential. At the same time, Telefilm Canada will encourage diversity in feature film production by supporting a range of genres, budgets, companies and regions. Telefilm Canada will also promote the development of partnerships among producers, distributors, exhibitors and international partners. The financial assistance provided will contribute to the overall growth, as well as professional and economic development of the Canadian film industry.

There is no application deadline for English-language production and development projects outside of Quebec (including Selective and Performance Components requests). Applications are being received throughout the year, beginning in April, and are evaluated on an ongoing case-by-case basis until funds are exhausted.

The application deadlines indicated below are only for development and production financing for French-language projects from all regions, and English-language project in the Quebec region.

January  31,  2008 - Development Program - Call for projects for Quebec production companies located in the regions
Region: Quebec
Language: French

February  4,  2008 - Project development applications (maximum of three projects per production companies, per language)
Region: Quebec
Languages: French, English

March  24,  2008 - Production - English-language projects (requests of less than $1.5 million)
Region: Quebec
Language: English

March  24,  2008 - Production - French-language projects
Regions: Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, West
Language: French

August  18,  2008 - Project development applications (maximum of two projects per production companies, per language)
Region: Quebec
Languages: French, English

Newfoundland and Labrador Contact(s):
Ms. Patricia Quesnel
Telefilm Canada
1717 Barrington Street, Suite 300
Halifax, Nova Scotia  B3J 3A4
Telephone: 902-426-8425
Fax: 902-426-4445
Toll-free (information): 1-800-565-1773
Web site:

National Contact(s):
Telefilm Canada
Suite 700
360 Saint-Jacques Street
Montréal, Quebec  H2Y 4A9
Telephone: 514-283-6363
Fax: 514-283-8212
Toll-free (information): 1-800-567-0890
Web site: