Symbol of the Government of Canada

Tourism Business Info-Guide

Last Verified: 2007-11-20

The Tourism Business Info-Guide is designed to help you navigate through the federal and provincial government programs, services and regulations that may apply to individuals and businesses starting to a business in the tourism sector in Ontario.


  1. Financing
  2. Other Resources 

1. Summary

Working in tourism can be a challenging, but extremely rewarding venture. There are many things you need to know if you're starting up or running a tourism business. This document aims to provide you with useful information sourced from other government departments, industry associations and tourism partners to help you start and run your tourism business in Ontario.

2. Human Resources


HR Management Plan

An HR management plan from the Business Development Bank of Canada that helps you through finding, hiring, developing and retaining employees.

For further information:
please call 1-877-232-2269
visit the web site: Human Resources Management


The Ontario Tourism Education Corporation (OTEC)

Ontario Tourism Education Corporation is the certifying body for tourism occupations in Ontario.

emerit Certification for the Tourism Industry

emerit Professional Certification, recognized across the country, brings a professionalism and credibility to each of the emerit-trained professions in the tourism industry.

For further information:
see the document: emerit Certification for the Tourism Industry

Marketing and Partnerships

Marketing and E-business for the Tourism Industry

Information on e-business marketing for tourism businesses from Business Development Bank of Canada .

For further information:
please call 1-877-232-2269
visit the web site: Marketing and e-business for the tourism industry

Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation (OTMPC)

The OTMPC web site for industry partners. This provides a source of tourism news, marketing opportunities, research and resources. Some information on this site includes:

  • Product Development with OTMPC
    Opportunities to partner with OTMP in product development. The City, Touring and Outdoor committees identify and co-ordinate a Product Development Program.

For further information:
please call 1-800-263-7836
visit the web site: Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation's (OTMPC)

The Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC)

The CTC supports a cooperative relationship between the private sector and the governments of Canada, the provinces and the territories with respect to Canadian tourism.

Partnership Programs
Partnership opportunities with the Canadian Tourism Commission.

Product Innovation and Enhancement
Product development opportunities with the Canadian Tourism Commission

For further information:
visit the web site:

3. Financing

The Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre has created a document which provides an overview of some of the main financing options for individuals operating a business in Ontario, including programs offered or supported by the government.

For further information:
please call 1-800-567-2345
see these documents:
Financing for Established Businesses Info-Guide
Financing for Starting a Business Info-Guide

Foreign Convention and Tour Incentive Program

A rebate program that provides GST/HST relief to non-resident consumers and non-resident non-GST/HST-registered businesses.

For further information:
please call 1-800-959-5525
visit the web site: Foreign Convention and Tour Incentive Program
see the document: Foreign Convention and Tour Incentive Program


Canadian Tourism Commission

The Canadian Tourism Commission  produces a number of publications to help you make sense of the tourism industry.  You can access tourism intelligence bulletins, market research reports, information on travel trends and motivations, financial planning and risk management guides. Listed below are examples of these guides.

For further information:
visit the web site:

Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)

Business Development Bank of Canada is Canada's bank for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), delivering financial and management services, with a particular focus on the emerging and exporting sectors of the economy. The BDC has a number of financing programs for a variety of business needs.

My project: Securing Working Capital
Information which can assist with securing working capital for businesses.

My project: Sell a business
Information which can help with succession planning to ensure long-term success.

For further information:
please call 1-877-232-2269

Tourism Investment Fund - Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)

The fund helps finance high-end tourism operators or start-ups in potentially viable destination centres. It is designed specifically to finance single season tourism infrastructures or operations that have the potential to expand beyond a single season.

For further information:
please call 1-877-232-2269
visit the web site: Business Development Bank of Canada

Other Sources of Financing

Investment and Development Office (IDO)

The Investment and Development Office (IDO) focuses efforts on assisting communities and entrepreneurs make the case for tourism investment and development in Ontario.

For more information:
please call 416-325-4630
see the document: Sources of Financing

4. Regulations

For regulatory or legal questions, it may be useful to contact a lawyer through the Law Society of Upper Canada's Lawyer Referral Service.

For further information:
please call 416-947-3300 or 1-800-668-7380
visit the web site: Law Society of Upper Canada
see the document: Selecting Professional Services

Business Regulations Info-Guide

The Business Regulations Info-Guide  will assist you in navigating federal, provincial and municipal regulations that apply to a number of industries and businesses in Ontario.

Travel Industry Act

The Ontario Travel Industry Act requires that travel retailers, travel wholesalers or anyone involved in these activities, such as tour operators, be registered by the Travel Industry Council of Ontario .

Depending on what your product or service you are supplying, different regulations will apply. Below are some basic governmental regulations that apply to all businesses in Ontario.

For further information:
visit these web sites:
Travel Industry Council of Ontario - (TICO)
TICO Registration and Renewal Fee Increase - FAQ (PDF 96.44KB)

The Employment Standards Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Labour is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Employment Standards Act, 2000 , which provides for minimum terms and conditions of employment in most industries.

For further information:
please call 416-326-7160 or 1-800-531-5551
visit these web sites:
What You Should Know About The Ontario Employment Standards Act
Employment Standards Claim
Employee Self Help Kit
see the documents:
Employment Regulations Info-Guide
Employment and Training Assistance Programs Info-Guide
Employee or Self-Employed?

5. Taxation

Dealing with Business Taxes

All businesses must be aware of the various taxes that may apply to their product or service.  Depending on the type and location of products or services being offered, federal, provincial and/or municipal business taxes may apply.

For further information:
see the document: Taxation Info-Guide

Income Tax Information

Business owners must be aware of the requirements of Income tax that may apply to their product or service.  There are different tax implications for incorporated and non-incorporated businesses.  For information specific to your organization you should consult an accountant or financial professional.

For further information:
please call: 1-800-959-5525
see the document: Taxation Info-Guide

Below are links to publications that cover some of the general tax requirements for business owners in Ontario.

Small Business Guide
If you are starting or currently operating a small business in Ontario, this guide will answer the questions asked most frequently by small businesses regarding their rights and obligations under the tax statutes administered by the Ministry of Revenue.

Tax Fax Service

This fax on demand service gives taxpayers fast, convenient and easy access to Ontario retail sales tax and other Ontario tax publications and forms.  The service is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, call toll-free 1-877-482-9329 in Canada and the United States.

Ontario Corporations Tax
All incorporated businesses, including those incorporated inside and outside Canada, that maintain a permanent establishment (see Interpretation Bulletin 3008 Allocation of Taxable Income and Taxable Capital) in Ontario are liable for Ontario corporate taxes.

Fuel Tax
Ontario levies a direct tax on every purchaser of clear middle distillate fuel (diesel, stove oil, heating fuel) used in internal combustion engines. This tax is collected by retailers from their customers and is remitted through their suppliers.  Untaxed middle distillate fuel is coloured (red) for non-taxable uses (e.g. heating, cooking or generating power in unlicensed equipment used for commercial, industrial or institutional purposes).

FT 1-2001 - Coloured Fuel
This bulletin provides general information on the purchase, use, storage, labelling and handling of tax-exempt coloured fuel in Ontario.

FT/GT/TT 1-2000 - Tax Refunds: Time Limitation Extended to Four Years
(PDF -  115686 bytes)
This bulletin provides an outline of amendments made to the Fuel Tax Act and regulations to extend the refund time limitation period to a maximum of four years.

Requirements for Railway Operators in Ontario
This bulletin is intended to provide clarification for railway operators in Ontario regarding the requirements of fuel use, registration and reporting under the Fuel Tax Act.

Gasoline Tax
Ontario levies a direct tax on every purchaser of gasoline. This tax is collected by service stations and other retailers, from their customers, and is remitted through their suppliers.

When gasoline is used by business, industry, institutions, farmers and commercial fishermen in equipment not required to be licensed under the Highway Traffic Act, a tax refund may be claimed.  Claims must be received by the Ministry within four years of the date tax was paid.

GT 1-2001 - Ontario Gasoline Tax Refund Program
This bulletin outlines the Ontario Gasoline Tax Refund program.

Land Transfer Tax
Land transfer tax is imposed on the acquisition of an interest in land by registered conveyance or unregistered disposition.

Every person obtaining an interest in land is liable to land transfer tax. The tax is calculated on the value of the consideration for the transfer.  In certain circumstances the Land Transfer Tax Act (Act) deems the value of the consideration to be the fair market value of the land.  The Act defines land to include the land itself, buildings, estates, options, leasehold interests and fixtures.

Provincial Land Tax
Provincial Land Tax is a property tax levied on all land in areas of the province without municipal organization. Revenues contribute towards the cost of provincial services in the unorganized areas.

Overview of Tobacco Tax
Ontario levies a direct tax on every purchaser of tobacco products. Tobacco tax is collected by retailers from their customers and is remitted through their supplier.

Retailers must ensure that their wholesale supplier holds a valid wholesaler's permit, as there are penalties for purchasing tobacco products from a wholesaler who does not hold a wholesaler's permit.  Persons selling cigarettes and other tobacco products for resale are defined as wholesalers and must hold a wholesaler's permit. There is no fee for this permit.

The stocking or selling of cigarettes that do not bear an Ontario tax mark (yellow tear strip) is prohibited.  Unauthorized possession of unmarked cigarettes may result in penalties, fines, imprisonment and forfeiture of the product.

TT 2-2000 - Selling Tobacco Products in Ontario: Information for Retail Dealers
This bulletin provides information on the registration and compliance requirements for selling cigarettes and other tobacco products in Ontario.

Retail Sales Tax
Retail Sales Tax (RST) is also known as Provincial Sales Tax (PST), Ontario Sales Tax (OST) or Ontario Retail Sales Tax (ORST). The general RST rate in Ontario is 8%. Retail Sales Tax is a provincial tax that is imposed on the consumer or user of:

  • most goods;
  • certain services;
  • admission prices; and 
  • insurance premiums.

The Basics of Retail Sales Tax
This Pointer explains the basics of RST to those starting a small business in Ontario or who are already operating one.

RST Guide 208 - Tax Included Pricing
Vendors who sell parking and insurance and vendors in the hospitality industry are allowed to use Ontario retail sales tax-included pricing provided certain conditions are met. An eating establishment is allowed to use retail sales tax-included pricing for sales of prepared foods where every item on the menu is over $4.00 (excluding the federal goods and services tax [GST]). The information in this guide explains who has the authority to use tax-included pricing and how tax-included pricing applies to the sale of certain taxable goods and services.

Discount Coupons
Retailers, restaurateurs, manufacturers and other types of vendors frequently distribute a variety of discount coupons to promote their products. The information in this guide explains how Ontario Retail Sales Tax applies when various types of coupons are redeemed towards the purchase of goods.

RST Guide 700 - Refunds and Adjustments.
When a person pays Ontario Retail Sales Tax (RST) in error on goods or services or on items on which an exemption is allowed, the person is entitled to claim a refund. Refund applications must be received by the Ministry of Revenue within four years from the date the RST was paid on goods or services.  The information in this guide describes the RST refunds and adjustments available under the Retail Sales Tax Act.


Food and Beverage

RST Guide 300 - Prepared Foods
Ontario retail sales tax (RST) applies at the rate of 8% to prepared foods sold by eating establishments when the total charge in any one transaction is more than $4.00. This guide explains how RST applies to prepared foods sold by eating establishments.

RST Small Business Pointer 906 - Prepared Foods
Ontario retail sales tax (RST) applies to prepared foods sold by eating establishments at the rate of 8% when the total charge in any one transaction is more than $4.00. All snack foods and soft drinks are taxable at the rate of 8%. This Pointer will help if you sell prepared foods from an eating establishment.

RST Guide 302 - Alcoholic Beverages
Ontario retail sales tax (RST) applies at the rate of 12% to alcoholic beverages sold through retail outlets, and at the rate of 10% to alcoholic beverages sold through licensed establishments. This guide explains how RST applies to the sale of liquor, beer or wine, sold alone or with other goods.

RST Small Business Pointer 907 - Alcoholic Beverages
Ontario retail sales tax (RST) applies at the rate of 12% to alcoholic beverages sold through retail outlets, and at the rate of 10% to alcoholic beverages sold through licensed establishments. This Pointer provides basic RST information relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages in an establishment such as a restaurant, bar, pub, hotel, resort or by caterers.

RST Guide 500 - Food Products
Most food products are exempt for Ontario retail sales tax (RST) purposes.  However, some food products are taxable at the RST rate of 8%. This guide explains how RST applies to food products.

Snack Foods, Beverages and Candies
Ontario retail sales tax (RST) applies to snack foods and candy when sold for 21¢ or more. Soft drinks are taxable when sold alone, but exempt when sold with prepared foods products for a total charge of $4 or less. This guide explains how RST applies to snack foods, beverages and candies.

RST Guide 808 - Status Indians, Indian Bands and Band Councils
Status Indians must pay Ontario retail sales tax (RST) on prepared foods sold for more than $4.00, and on alcoholic beverages, unless they are delivered directly to the Status Indian on the reserve for consumption on the reserve. This notice clarifies how RST applies to the sale of prepared foods and beverages to Status Indians.


Retail Sales Tax Guide 301 - Accommodation
Transient accommodation is lodging for less than one month in hotels, motels, hostels, tourist homes, etc. and is subject to Ontario retail sales tax (RST) at the rate of 5%. This guide explains how RST applies to various types of accommodation.

Retail Sales Tax Small Business Pointer 908 - Accommodation
Transient accommodation is lodging for less than a month in hotels, motels, hostels, tourist homes, etc. and is subject to Ontario retail sales tax (RST) at the rate of 5%. This Pointer provides basic RST information for those persons providing accommodation.

Admissions/Recreational Facilities

Retail Sales Tax Guide 303 - Admissions
Admission charges of more than $4.00 to places of amusement are normally taxable at the Ontario retail sales tax (RST) rate of 10%. This guide explains how RST applies to view various types of indoor or outdoor performances and entertainment.

Retail Sales Tax Small Business Pointer 909 - Admissions
Admission charges of more than $4.00 to places of amusement are normally taxable at the Ontario retail sales tax rate (RST) of 10%. This Pointer provides basic RST information relating to charges of admission to places of amusement or to view indoor or outdoor performances and entertainment.

Retail Sales Tax Guide 503 - Recreational Facilities
Most charges for the rental or use of recreational equipment are taxable at the rate of 8%, while some charges are exempt, for Ontario retail sales tax (RST) purposes. Admission charges of more than $4.00 to places of amusement are normally taxable at the rate of 10%. The information in this guide explains how RST applies to charges or fees associated with the use of a recreational facility and to the rental of recreational equipment.

Gift Shops

Convenience Stores
Generally, food products sold for human consumption are not taxable for Ontario retail sales tax (RST) purposes. However, for RST purposes, food products are different from prepared foods, snack foods and soft drinks. This Pointer provides basic RST information relating to items sold by a variety or convenience store, a smoke shop, a gas bar that sells other goods, or a kiosk.

Snack Foods, Beverages and Candies
Ontario retail sales tax (RST) applies to snack foods and candy when sold for 21¢ or more. Soft drinks are taxable when sold alone, but exempt when sold with prepared foods products for a total charge of $4 or less. This guide explains how RST applies to snack foods, beverages and candies.

Retail Sales Tax Guide 507 - Publications
Some publications are exempt and some are taxable at the rate of 8% for Ontario retail sales tax (RST) purposes. This guide explains how RST applies to publications, such as books, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, school and library publications and religious publications.

6. Other Resources


Ontario Trade Associations
There can be benefits to joining an industry association. This link provides access to provincial trade associations, sector associations and regional marketing associations.

Other Trade Associations
Other associations that have an international or global mandate can be useful as additional sources of information. This link provides a listing of Tourism related organizations as well as statistical information and information resources.

Retail Merchants' Association of Canada (Ontario) Inc.

The Retail Merchants Association of Canada Inc. is run by retailers for retailers, and offers a broad range of programs designed to keep independent retailers strong and profitable. Association members can also be eligible for merchant discount credit card rates.

For further information:
please call (416) 293-2100

Sustainable Tourism : A Research website

Description of a web site that focuses on providing information related to the tourism industry, topics pertaining to sustainable development and 'green' management.

For further information:
visit the web site:  Sustainable Tourism
see the document  Sustainable Tourism : A Research Web Site

Research the Industry

Research is a valuable starting point which enables you to decide on your product, business location, evaluate your potential markets and many other important aspects of embarking on a tourism business.  The following provides you with guides to research historic statistics and future trends.

Tourism Research Guides Online
Guides on how to undertake tourism research and interpret the results.

For further information:
please call 416-314-7325
visit these web sites:
Ministry of Tourism
E-commerce Overview Series: Tourism Accommodation Sector in Canada

Research - Ontario

The Tourism Branch of the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation is responsible for advancing Ontario's competitive advantage in tourism.  To assist tourism operators, the Tourism Branch provides research to identify the trends, strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities of tourism development in Ontario.

Tourism Research
This web site provides historical trends, analysis and current reports for the Ontario tourism industry.

For further information:
please call 416-314-7325
visit these web sites:
Tourism Branch
Tourism Profiles For Ontario Regions

Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation (OTMPC)

Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation's (OTMPC) brings together the expertise and resources of the province's marketing team and works with tourism operators in a unique and exciting private/public sector partnership.

For further information:
please call 1-800-263-7836

Research - Canada

Canadian Tourism Commission

(CTC) focuses on increasing awareness of and interest in Canada as a premiere four-season tourism destination.  Visit the following web sites for historical trends, analysis and current reports for the Canadian tourism industry.

For further information:
visit these web sites:
Tourism Stats and Figures

Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council

The Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council is a national non-profit organization that promotes and enhances professionalism in the Canadian tourism industry.

Research - International

Need more information?

Click: Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre
Call: 1-800-567-2345
Visit: our  Regional Access Program Locations page to locate an office near you

Some of the organizations listed above are not subject to the federal Official Languages Act or the French Language Services Act of Ontario. Their services may not be available in both official languages.

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.