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Summer Company

Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Last Verified: 2007-03-23

If you've got a winning idea for starting a new business and are a full-time student who is not afraid of hard work, then you should consider applying to the "Summer Company" program.

The program provides hands-on business coaching and mentoring, and awards of up to $3,000, to help enterprising young people who want to start and run their own summer businesses. If you are new to business and want to explore an overview of regulations and processes involved in starting and operating an enterprise, you may wish to consult the document Business Start-Up Info-Guide or Your Guide to Small Business .

Eligibility Criteria

Am I eligible for Summer Company?

Qualifying entrepreneur must be:

  • between the age of 15-29 years old as of the current Summer Company application deadline;
  • proposing a new sole proprietorship or corporation in Ontario that operates without any direct control from relatives or existing businesses;
  • prepared to commit to the business a minimum of 35 hours a week, on average, for a minimum of 8 weeks (not including any planned or unplanned vacations during the summer);
  • currently in school and returning to school full-time in the fall of the current application year;
  • a Canadian citizen or a Landed Immigrant residing in the province of Ontario;
  • not a recipient of a previous Summer Company award or have an outstanding My Company loan;
  • not working more than 12 hours per week at another job during the Summer Company experience;
  • not proposing a partnership, franchise, a distributorship / commissioned sales organization, an incorporated business controlled directly or indirectly by someone who would not be eligible to Summer Company, multi-level marketing organizations, musical ventures such as bands / DJs / dance-party events, 1-9xx businesses that use phone numbers to process businesses.
  • Note: The Ministry may, at its sole discretion, determine a particular business is inappropriate for the Summer Company program.

Who is not eligible to apply?

You are not eligible to apply for Summer Company if you are:

  • a partnership;
  • a franchise;
  • a distributorship;
  • an incorporated business that is controlled directly or indirectly by a person that would not be eligible for the Summer Company Award;
  • a business venture that is a subsidiary or division of an already existing commercial endeavor;
  • a commissioned salesperson;
  • a not-for-profit or charitable enterprise;
  • a multi-level marketing venture;
  • a musical venture such as bands, DJ's dance/party events;
  • a 1-900 business;
  • a past recipient of the Summer Company Award;
  • a current recipient of a Young Entrepreneurs Program loan, or have an outstanding Student Venture loan.

Eligible Area

Business must operate in Ontario

Eligible Activities

Almost any type of business can apply for the program, as long as it meets the following criteria:

  • it is an independent business venture;
  • fits the Canada Revenue Agency definition of being self-employed ( Form RC 4110 );
  • operates at arms length from family business ventures;
  • operates full-time as defined in the business plan;
  • maintains its own books and records;
  • maintains a separate business bank account; and
  • follows the government rules and regulations for operating a business.


How Do I Apply for Summer Company?

To apply, you must:

  1. prepare a comprehensive business plan (please see theThe embedded asset has been deleted:
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  2. fill out the application form on line.

To obtain the program "Guidelines and Application", please visit the Summer Company web site.

How Does the Summer Company Program Work?

Your application will be reviewed and evaluated by your local Small Business Enterprise Centre , supported by the local community mentoring group, who are successful business people who volunteer their time to assist you in making your summer experience a reality.

If your business plan is sound and meets the program's criteria you may qualify for the next step.  Leading candidates will be invited for an interview with the Small Business Enterprise Centre consultant and the local business mentoring group. If, after the interview, your application is recommended and approved by the Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, you will be required to comply with some additional conditions. For more information, please visit the Summer Company web site. If an applicant is approved into the program they receive:

  • An award of up to $1,500 in early summer to help with business start-up costs, and an additional $1,500 award in fall upon the successful completion of their Summer Company business and proof of returning to school;
  • A minimum of 12 hours of business training;
  • An opportunity to meet every 2 weeks with a local business mentoring group for support and advice on operating their summer business.


The deadline for applications is listed on the Summer Company web site. Space is limited.

Application Process

The application process for Summer Company is completed online .

This is a mandatory application process as the Ministry does not accept paper applications.

Help Preparing a Business Plan

You can get help from the Small Business Enterprise Centres and you can use the Canada Business Interactive Business Planner , which takes you step-by-step through the process of developing a business plan.  The Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre has a number of additional resources that can help you develop your business plan:

If you have any questions, please contact your local  Small Business Enterprise Centre .

Ontario Contact(s):
Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Summer Company/Entrepreneurship
Toll-free (information): 1-800-387-5656
Web site: