Symbol of the Government of Canada

Grants, Subsidies and Contributions - Arts and Media

Last Verified: 2007-08-21

This Info-Guide provides an overview of grant and subsidy programs potentially available for businesses involved in arts and media, including programs offered or supported by the governments of Canada and Ontario.


  1. Export 

1. Introduction

Although a grant or subsidy is only available for specific situations or industries, there are a number of government financing options available for Ontario entrepreneurs. The  Financing for Starting a Business Info-Guideand the  Financing for Established Businesses Info-Guide  will provide you a useful overview of these financing options.

In addition, the  Sources of Financing  web site is an Internet resource for locating traditional and alternative sources of small business financing.

2. General Funding for Arts

Canada Council for the Arts

The Canada Council for the Arts is a national arm’s length agency created in 1957 to "foster and promote the study and enjoyment of, and the production of works in, the arts."  To fulfil this mandate, the Canada Council provides grants and services to professional Canadian artists and arts organizations. 

For further information:
call 1-800-263-5588 or 613-566-4414
see the web site:  Canada Council for the Arts
see the document Canada Council for the Arts - Grants

Canadian Arts and Heritage Sustainability Program

The Canadian Arts and Heritage Sustainability Program supports arts and heritage organizations in adopting measures to improve their financial stability and to develop modern management practices.

For further information:
call 1-866-811-0055
visit the web site:  Canadian Arts and Heritage Sustainability Program
see the document  Canadian Arts and Heritage Sustainability Program

3. Film and Television

Canadian Television Fund (CTF)

The Canadian Television Fund (CTF) provides support for English-language dramas (production), French-language production outside of Quebec, Aboriginal-language production and feature films, as well as development financing and versioning assistance.

For further information:
call 1-800-567-0890
see the web site:  Canadian Television Fund

Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit

The Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit is a fully refundable tax credit for films and videos produced and owned by Canadian corporations.

For further information:
call 1-888-433-2200
visit the web site:  Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit
see the document Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit

International Cultural Relations Program - Film and Television

The objective of the International Cultural Relations Program (Films and Television) is to promote Canadian interests and values abroad by providing funding to showcase the work of Canadians in the film and television industries.

For further information:
call 1-888-757-7752
visit the web site:  Film and Television Grant Program Guidelines
see the document  International Cultural Relations Program - Film and Television

Canada Feature Film Fund

The overall goal of the Canada Feature Film Fund (CFFF) is to increase Canadian audiences in theatres for Canadian feature films, aiming to capture 5% of the domestic box office by 2006. In meeting this goal, the Department of Canadian Heritage expects that more than a proportional increase will occur in the English-language market.

For further information:
call 1-800-463-4607
visit the web site:  Canada Feature Film Fund
see the document  Canada Feature Film Fund

4. Music

Canada Music Fund

The Canada Music Fund seeks to strengthen the Canadian sound recording industry from creator to audience. Various programs financially support the different activities of the industry and help strengthen its position.

For further information:
call 1-866-811-0055
visit the web site:  Canada Music Fund
see the document  Canada Music Fund


MUSICACTION is a non-profit organization which provides financial support to the independent Canadian sound recording industry.

For further information:
call 1-800-861-5561
visit the web site:  MUSICACTION
see the document  MUSICACTION

5. Publishing

Book Publishing Industry Development Program

The BPIDP offers financial assistance to strengthen the capacity of the Canadian-owned and controlled book publishing industry to publish and market Canadian books in both domestic and international markets.

For further information:
call 1-877-823-0702
visit the web site:  Book Publishing Industry Development Program
see the document  Book Publishing Industry Development Program (BPIDP)

Canada Magazine Fund

The Canadian Magazine Fund contributes toward the production of high-quality magazines by providing direct financial assistance to Canadian magazine publishers and industry associations.

For further information:
call 1-888-357-3116
visit the web site:  Canada Magazine Fund
see the document  Canadian Magazine Fund

Publications Assistance Program - PAP

The Publications Assistance Program provides a postal subsidy to eligible Canadian magazines and non-daily newspapers mailed in Canada for delivery in Canada.

For further information:
call 1-800-641-9221
visit the web site:  Publications Assistance Program
see the document  Publications Assistance Program (PAP)

6. Media

Canada New Media Fund

The Canada New Media Fund (CNMF) provides support for the market research, prototyping, production development, and marketing and distribution of Canadian new media products. As well, the Fund provides sectoral support for professional development and participation at festivals and markets.

For further information:
call 1-800-567-0890
see the web site:  Canada New Media Fund
see the document  Canada New Media Fund

Development Information Program (DIP)

DIP provides financial support to mass media development and educational initiatives development aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of international development and international cooperation.

For further information:
call 1-800-230-6349
visit the web site:  Development Information Program
see the document Mass Media Initiative of the Development Information Program

International Cultural Relations Program - Visual Arts and Media Arts

The objective of the International Cultural Relations Program is to promote Canadian interests and values abroad by providing funding to showcase the work of Canadians in the field of visual arts and media arts.

For further information:
call 1-888-757-7752
visit the web site:  Visual and Media Arts : Project Guidelines for Professional Artistsand Arts Organizations and Institutions
see the document International Cultural Relations Program - Visual Arts and Media Arts

7. Festivals

Canada Showcase - A Program of Grants for Canadian Festivals

Canada Showcase aims to increase awareness of high quality Canadian works at Canadian festivals, more specifically films, television programs and new media productions. This program provides financial assistance to festivals that contribute actively towards the promotion and presentation of Canadian works.

For further information:
call 1-800-463-4607 or 416-973-6436
visit the web site:  Canada Showcase - A Program of Grants for Canadian Festivals
see the document  Canada Showcase - A Program of Grants for Canadian Festivals

Arts Presentation Canada

The Arts Presentation Canada program supports arts festivals and other artistic events.

For further information:
call 416-954-0395
visit the web site:  Arts Presentation Canada
see the document  Arts Presentation Canada

8. Export

Trade Routes - Arts and Cultural Sector

Trade Routes provides Canada's arts and cultural entrepreneurs with access to government trade programs and services that help to strategically increase their export capacity.

For further information:
call 1-866-999-7233
visit the web site:  Trade Routes
see the document  Trade Routes - Arts and Cultural Sector

Foreign Affairs and International Trade - Arts and Cultural Industries

As part of its International Cultural Relations Program, the Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) provides grants to Canadian groups and individuals for the promotion of Canadian performing arts abroad.

For further information:
call 1-800-267-8376 or 613-944-4000
visit the web site: Arts and Cultural Industries

International Cultural Relations Program - Visual Arts and Media Arts

The objective of the International Cultural Relations Program is to promote Canadian interests and values abroad by providing funding to showcase the work of Canadians in the field of visual arts and media arts.

For further information:
call 1-888-757-7752
visit the web site:  Visual and Media Arts : Project Guidelines for Professional Artistsand Arts Organizations and Institutions
see the document International Cultural Relations Program - Visual Arts and Media Arts

International Cultural Relations Program - Film and Television

The objective of the International Cultural Relations Program (Films and Television) is to promote Canadian interests and values abroad by providing funding to showcase the work of Canadians in the film and television industries.

For further information:
call 1-888-757-7752
visit the web site:  Film and Television Grant Program Guidelines
see the document  International Cultural Relations Program - Film and Television

Need more information?

Click: Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre
Call: 1-800-567-2345
Visit: our Regional Access Program Locations page to locate an office near you

Some of the organizations listed above are not subject to the federal Official Languages Act or the French Language Services Act of Ontario. Their services may not be available in both official languages.

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.