Grants, Subsidies and Contributions Info-Guide

Last Verified: 2007-12-17

This Info-Guide provides an overview of grants, subsidies and contributions potentially available for businesses in Ontario, including programs offered or supported by the governments of Canada and Ontario.


  1. Introduction
  2. Start-up
  3. Arts and Media
  4. Science and Technology
  5. Wage Subsidies
  6. Northern Ontario
  7. Youth
  8. Aboriginal
  9. Not-for-Profit
  10. Agriculture
  11. Miscellaneous

1. Introduction

Although a grant or subsidy is only available for specific situations or industries, there are a number of government financing options available for Ontario entrepreneurs. The  Financing for Starting a Business Info-Guideand the  Financing for Established Businesses Info-Guide  will provide you a useful overview of these financing options.

In addition, the  Sources of Financing (  web site is an Internet resource for locating traditional and alternative sources of small business financing.

2. Start-up

Ontario Self-Employment Benefit

The Self-employment benefit provides unemployed employment insurance eligible individuals with income and entrepreneurial support while they develop and inplement their business plan.

For further information:
call 1-800-387-5656 
visit the web site:  Employment Ontario  (
see the document  Ontario Self-Employment Benefit

3. Arts and Media

Grants, Subsidies and Contributions - Arts and Media

This Info-Guide provides an overview of grant and subsidy programs potentially available for businesses in Ontario involved in arts and media, including programs offered or supported by the governments of Canada and Ontario.

For further information:
see the document  Grants, Subsidies and Contributions - Arts and Media

4. Science and Technology

Grants, Subsidies and Contributions - Science and Technology

This Info-Guide provides an overview of grant and subsidy programs potentially available for businesses in Ontario involved in science and technology, including programs offered or supported by the governments of Canada and Ontario.

For further information:
see the document:  Grants, Subsidies and Contributions - Science and Technology

5. Wage Subsidies

Grants, Subsidies and Contributions - Employers

This Info-Guide provides an overview of grant and subsidy programs potentially available for employers in Ontario, including programs offered or supported by the governments of Canada and Ontario.

For further information:
see the document:  Grants, Subsidies and Contributions - Employers

6. Northern Ontario

Northern Ontario Development Program

FedNor's Northern Ontario Development Program provides funding and assistance to projects that will bolster and improve the long term economic and social well-being of Northern Ontario.

For further information:
call 1-877-333-6673
visit the web site:  Northern Ontario Development Program  (
see the document  Northern Ontario Development Program

7. Youth

Summer Company

The program provides hands-on business training and mentoring, and awards of up to $3,000, to help enterprising young people start up and run their own summer businesses.

For further information:
call 1-800-387-5656
visit the web site:  Summer Company (
see the document Summer Company

Youth Awareness

Youth Awareness provides financial assistance to sponsors to design projects that respond to specific labour market requirements and adjustments.

For further information:
call 1-800-935-5555
visit the web site:  Youth Awareness (
see the document Youth Awareness

8. Aboriginal Businesses

Aboriginal Business Canada

Aboriginal Business Canada provides Aboriginal entrepreneurs financial assistance, business information, resource materials and referrals to other possible sources of financing or business support.

For further information:
call 416-973-8800
visit the web site:  Aboriginal Business Canada (
see the document  Aboriginal Business Canada

Community Economic Development Program

Provides core financial support for First Nation and Inuit communities for public services in economic development.

For further information:
call 1-877-388-4188
visit the web site:  Community Economic Development Program (
see the document  Community Economic Development Program

9. Not-for-Profit

The Trillium Foundation

This foundation, an agency of the Ontario Ministry of Culture, distributes funding for selected community-based initiatives and selected province-wide initiatives. Funding is allocated in four sectors; Arts and culture, Environment, Sports and Recreation and Human and Social Services. 

For further information:
please call 1-800-263-2887 or 416-963-4927
visit the web site Ontario Trillium Foundation (

Northern Ontario Development Fund

FedNor's Northern Ontario Development Fund (NOEDF) is intended to strengthen Northern Ontario communities by supporting projects that address local needs and priorities and result in long term benefits including job creation, economic diversification, and enhanced business competitiveness.

For further information:
please call 1-877-333-6673
visit the web site  Northern Ontario Development Program  (
see the document Northern Ontario Development Program

Museums Assistance Program

The Museums Assistance Program (MAP) provides financial assistance to Canadian museums and related institutions. Assistance is for museum activities that support the objectives of Canada's museum policy. The program is delivered by the regional offices of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

For further information:
please call 1-866-811-0055
visit the web site  Museums Assistance Program (
see the document  Museums Assistance Program

Municipal Governments

The city or town in which the not-for-profit organization will be based may provide funding for projects through locally administered programs.

For a list of municipal government web sites, visit the  Municipalities in Ontario (  website.

Foundation Directories and Other Publications

Some privately-published directories of organizations and foundations that donate to not-for-profit organizations are often available through local libraries and  Regional Access Program (  offices.

Other Not-for-profit Agencies

Other not-for-profit agencies that have similar goals may provide funding in some instances. A number of not-for-profit agencies can be found by locating various directories in local libraries and Regional Access Program offices (to locate an office close to you, please refer to the  Regional Access Program Locations page ( ). A directory of not-for-profit organizations can also be found on the Charity Village web site at  Charity Village ( .

10. Agriculture

Grants, Subsidies and Contributions - Agriculture

This Info-Guide provides an overview of grants, subsidies and contributions potentially available for businesses involved in agriculture in Ontario, including programs offered or supported by the governments of Canada and Ontario.

For further information:
see the document  Grants, Subsidies and Contributions - Agriculture

11. Miscellaneous

Industrial Cooperation Program (CIDA-INC)

CIDA-INC is a cost-sharing program that provides a financial incentive (a cash contribution) to Canadian companies to start a business or provide training in developing countries or countries in transition to a market economy.

For further information:
please call 1-800-230-6349
visit the web site:  Industrial Cooperations Program (CIDA-INC) (
see the document  Industrial Cooperation Program (CIDA-INC)

Development Information Program (DIP)

DIP provides financial support to mass media development and educational initiatives development aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of international development and international cooperation.

For further information:
call 1-800-230-6349
visit the web site:  Development Information Program (
see the document Mass Media Initiative of the Development Information Program

Future Fund

The Ontario Trillium Foundation has created a new fund with the focus on enhancing the future of Ontario communities.  In 2007-2008 the Future Fund, with an allocation of $2 million, will be directed at building the capacity of the environment sector.

For further information:
call 1-800-263-2887
visit the web site:  Future Fund (

Need more information?

Click: Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre (;=CBSC_WebPage&cid;=1183551597162⟨=en)
Call: 1-800-567-2345
Visit: our Regional Access Program Locations page ( to locate an office near you

Some of the organizations listed above are not subject to the federal Official Languages Act ( or the French Language Services Act ( of Ontario. Their services may not be available in both official languages.

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.