Government of Manitoba

Import Info-Guide

Last Verified: 2007-08-03

What is an Info-Guide?

The Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre created Info-Guides to help you navigate through the wide range of programs and services in a specific area as well as related regulations that may affect your business venture. Info-Guides featuring other topics of interest are also available by contacting the Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre at 204-984-2272 (in Winnipeg) or 1-800-665-2019 (toll free in Canada) or by e-mail at

Whether you are an established entrepreneur or a new start-up planning to import goods into Canada - you'll need some solid preparation to establish your import venture. This Info-Guide is meant to provide you with a listing of programs and services which you will find useful when importing goods into Canada.

The Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre also has business consultants on staff who can discuss your business plans. Its Business and Trade Library can help you source suppliers and trade/market research.

Canada Border Services Agency offers Seminars for new Importers which cover the import process; tariff classification and value for duty; tariff treatment; self-adjustment and appeals; valuation of goods; national customs rulings and exporting of goods. The seminars are free of charge and held at Canada Border Services Agency, 269 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. To register call 204-983-6635 or register on-line at


Information Services

Border Information Service - BIS
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free in Canada 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)
Forms & Publications: 1-800-959-2221

The Border Information Service (BIS) is a computerized, 24-hour telephone service that automatically answers all incoming calls and provides general border services information. Information covers the following topics: Personal traveller; Business importation/exportation; Currency Exchange rates and Coming to Canada.

Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters (CAIE)
Suite 1618, 438 University Avenue, Box 60, Toronto, ON M5G 2K8
Phone: 416-595-5333
Fax: 416-595-8226

A private, non-profit organization, which has been servicing Canada's trade community since 1932.  Key source of information on Canadian customs and trade policy.  Provides Canadian importers and exporters with critical and timely information, effective representation to government and effective solutions for members concerns.

Customs Internet Gateway - CIG
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 1-888-957-7224

An alternative way of transmitting customs data.  Clients can apply to transmit their CADEX B3 accounting data, ACROSS release data, send arrival messages and receive their RNS release messages over the internet.

Food Import
Canadian Food Inspection Agency - CFIA
Phone: 204-983-2200 or toll free - 1-800-442-2342

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) provides services and resources to assist Canadian food importers. These services include the Import Service Centres, the Automated Import Reference System, and a variety of guides that provide valuable information on importing foods into Canada. Example of available guides:

The CFIA, in cooperation with the Canada Border Services Agency has established three regional Import Service Centres.  These centres process import request documentation/data sent electronically or by fax by the importing community across Canada.

Labelling Assessment Tools
Industry Canada - IC
Competition Bureau
Phone: 1-800-348-5358

Provides a quick method for obtaining general information to design and check the labelling of products.  The system offers a user-friendly checklist of Canadian federal labelling requirements for prepacked non-food consumer goods, consumer textile articles, down and feather products, and precious metal articles such as gold and silver jewellery.

Labelling - Packaging Consumer Products (Non-Food)
Industry Canada - IC
Competition Bureau
Phone: 1-800-348-5358

The Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act applies to any person who is a retailer, manufacturer, processor or producer of a product, or a person who is engaged in the business of importing, packing or selling any product.

SME Centre - Border Services
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-945-3500 or 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

The SME Centre includes tools and information on a Web site; an enhanced automated telephone service; and access to small business representatives during regular office hours.

Trade Data Online
Industry Canada - IC
Phone: 1-800-328-6189

Provides statistical information on the value of imports and domestic exports by country, commodity and industry.  Helps Canadian business stay competitive by providing strategic value-added information about target markets and products.

Trade Facilitation Office Canada
Phone: 1-800-267-9674

A not-for-profit organization founded by the Government of Canada to help improve the economic well-being of developing countries through increased integration into the world economy.  Services available to qualified importers include: information on new sources of supply from a database of 1,600 exporters from client country; access to incoming missions of exporters; and the opportunity to participate in outgoing buying missions of Canadian importers to client countries.


Guide for Canadian Small Businesses
Canada Revenue Agency - CRA
Phone:  Toll free 1-800-959-2221 (English) or 1-800-959-7775 (French)

The Guide provides useful information on: setting up a business; the goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax; excise taxes and duties; payroll deductions and income tax. Document # RC4070.

Importing Commercial Goods Into Canada - How to Complete Form B3 When Importing Commercial Goods
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone:  Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

This publication describes the documents you need to submit to the Canada Border Services Agency to import commercial goods and highlights the information you need from each document to complete Form B3 - Canada Customs Coding Form.  This form is used to account for goods regardless of their value for commercial use in Canada.

Reporting, Collection and Refund Services

Accelerated Commercial Release Operational Support System - ACROSS
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Customs Client Services
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

The System lets the importer, broker or carrier use Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) technology to quickly, easily and accurately transmit customs release, cargo and conveyance data to any automated customs office for all modes of transport including rail, marine, and highway.

Courier Low-Value Shipment Program
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

The program speeds up the clearance of imports arriving through an approved courier company.  The shipment must be valued at less than $1,600 and not require any certificates, permits, licenses or documentation from another government department. (see section on Licenses and Permits for Controlled Goods)

Customs Account Security Program
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

Allows importers and licensed customs brokers to post security with the department in order to get commercial goods released before they have paid duties and taxes or to obtain Uncertified Checking Privileges or Release Prior to Payment Privileges.

Customs Automated Data Exchange - CADEX - and Customs Declaration - CUSDEC
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-888-957-7224

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) systems which allow importers and brokers to file customs accounting documents (B3 forms) electronically.  Users must purchase application and communications software and must also pay their telecommunication costs. 

Customs Automated Systems - Customs Commercial System - CCS
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English)  or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

The system automates many of the processes used to control the import of commercial goods into Canada from the point of cargo/release through the adjustment of historical data.

Customs Self Assessment Program (CSA)
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll Free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

Clients can significantly reduce the costs of compliance while enhancing their ability to comply with customs requirements.  It gives approved importers the benefits of a streamlined accounting and payment process for all imported goods.  This ends the need for importers to maintain separate and costly customs processes, allowing them to use their own business systems to fully self assess and meet their customs obligations.

Free and Secure Trade (FAST) for Canada - U.S. Border
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll Free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

This program supports the expedited movement of pre-approved low risk importers, carriers and drivers.  Shipments for approved companies, transported by approved carriers using registered drivers, will be cleared into either country with greater speed and certainty, and at reduced cost of compliance.  It also supports verifying trade compliance away from the border.

Line Release System
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Customs Border Services
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

The Line Release System process releases information before a shipment arrives and speeds up the process of deciding to release a shipment or to refer it for examination. There are 4 release procedures called service options available:

  • the Prearrival Review System (PARS) - is available to importers and brokers who can send invoice and manifest information to the CBSA before a shipment arrives;
  • the G7 Import One Step release on Full Documentation (RFD) which is available to importers;
  • - the Customs Self Assessment (CSA) program includes a new clearance process for low-risk shipments from the United States;
  • and the Frequent Importer Release System (FIRST) - available importers of frequent, low-risk, low-revenue shipments. FIRST requires prior CBSA authorization.

Postal Import Control System and Casual Refund System
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll Free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

The PICS computer system is used at the Customs Mail Centre to process mail items and control those items referred for customs examination.  If duties and/or taxes are assessed on non-commercial goods and on commercial goods valued at less than $1,600 (Cdn), the package is delivered to the recipient but is not released until the duties and taxes are paid.  If the commercial package mailed is worth $1,600 (Cdn) or more, the systems creates a letter to the importer asking for a completed Form B3 (Canada Customs Coding Form).  The package is then held at the mail centre until the importer presents the completed form and pays the duties and taxes. The CRS refunds duties and taxes to non-commercial importers bringing goods into the country using any mode of transportation.

Records for Imported Goods
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English)  or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

All persons who import goods for sale or for any industrial, occupational, commercial or other similar use must keep certain types of records for a specified period of time.

Release Notification System
Manager, Electronic Commerce Unit
Canada Border Services Agency
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll Free 1-888-957-7224

The Release Notification System (RNS) is an electronic system that can be used to notify RNS clients of customs releases and for RNS clients to notify the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) that a certain shipment has arrived in Canada.

Transportation and Storage

Bonded Carrier Program
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English)  or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

The program authorizes air, marine, rail and highway carriers to be bonded in order to move goods past the Canadian border to an inland Customs office where the duties and taxes are then paid.

Cargo Containers Used in International Service
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)
Information for importers and their agents on bringing cargo containers into Canada free of duties and taxes.  Under no circumstances, however, can foreign cargo containers arrive in Canada empty and be used for domestic point-to-point transportation of goods.

Customs and Direct Shipment of Goods
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Customs Client Services
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English)  or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

This applies to importers of commercial or casual goods.  When goods are exported to Canada from any country but pass in transit through another country, the goods (under certain conditions) are deemed to be shipped directly to Canada from the original country of export.  The Direct Shipment of Goods regulations set out the conditions that must be met before goods are deemed to be shipped directly to Canada.

Goods in Transit
Export and Import Controls Bureau
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada - DFAIT
Phone: Toll Free 1-800-267-8376
Fax: 613-996-9933

All goods and technologies controlled (regulated) under the Export Control List or Import Control List require that an exporter or importer first receive a federal export or import permit before the goods are exported or imported unless the goods are "in bond on a through journey on a billing that originates outside Canada" and are destined to another country outside Canada. A permit is also required for goods coming from or going to countries named in the Area Control List.

Reporting of Cargo and Transportation of in Bond Goods
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English)  or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

Applies to carriers, freight forwarders and brokers involved in transporting goods in-bond. Under Section 12 of the Customs Act, goods coming into Canada are usually reported to the nearest Canada Border Services Agency Office.  Goods may be released at the border or they may proceed in bond to an inland customs office.  Transporting goods "in bond" means that duties and taxes have not been paid on goods that are moving through Canada for both export and consumption elsewhere or to an inland destination for release.  If the goods are moving in bond to an inland location, the carrier has to file enough security with the department to account for the duties and taxes.  When the carrier reaches the inland destination, the goods will be held, pending release or exportation, in a warehouse authorized by CBSA.  When carriers are transporting in bond shipments for export from Canada, they have to report these shipments to CBSA as the goods leave the country.

Storage of Goods at a Customs Office
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone:  204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

Regulations which prescribe the time limit for removal of goods left at a customs office or other place of safekeeping, and the fees associated with storage.

Sufferance Warehouse Program
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English)  or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

Applies to anyone planning to operate a customs sufferance warehouse. Sufferance warehouses are privately owned and operated facilities licensed by the Canada Border Services Agency for the control, short-term storage, and examination of imported goods until they are released by the CBSA or exported from Canada.

Transportation of Goods
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

These regulations specify the conditions under which goods may be transported and the liability of the transporter for duties, security, and records.

Duty and Tax

(Note:  Duty may also be referred to as a tariff or a tariff barrier)

Abatement of Customs Duties Payable
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Customs Client Services
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

Importers can apply for an abatement (reducing the value for duty of imported goods) for all or part of the duties on imported goods that have suffered damage, deterioration or destruction from the time of shipment to Canada to the time of release.

Accounting for Imported Goods and Payment of Duties
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Customs Client Services
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

Imported goods cannot be released until they have been accounted for by the importer and any duties owed have been paid.  Accounting for the goods may be done in writing at the customs office where the goods were released or will be released, or electronically transmitted through the Customs Automated Data Exchange (CADEX).

Advance Ruling Program
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Customs Client Services
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

Canadian importers (or their agents) proposing to import goods from the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel or Costa Rica can obtain advance rulings on a wide range of NAFTA, CIFTA, CCFTA or CCRFTA related issues, such as whether or not the goods qualify as an originating good for preferential tariff treatment, whether or not the marking of a good satisfies the country-of-origin marking requirements, or if the good meets a specific regional value content requirement or tariff classification change requirement.

The CBSA will review all written applications and let the applicant know if any additional information is required. The department aims to issue these rulings within 120 days of receiving the complete information.

Duty Deferral Program - Duty Drawbacks
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Customs Client Services
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

Assists Canadian importers, exporters and manufacturers to compete in export markets and certain domestic markets by allowing them, under special circumstances, to recover duties they paid on imported goods.  Canadian companies may recover import duties (but not GST) under the following circumstances: exporting Canadian manufactured goods, importing and subsequently exporting goods,  and destroying obsolete or surplus goods.

Duty Deferral Program - Duty Drawback -- Exported Goods
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Customs Client Services
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English)  or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

The program relieves the payment of duties on imported goods that will eventually be re-exported either in the same condition or after being used, consumed or expended in the processing of other goods.  Relief of the GST is also available under certain circumstances.  It may apply to importers, manufacturers, processors, exporters, customs brokers, and manufacturing and trade associations with an interest in international trade.

Duty Deferral Program - Duties Relief -- Supplies for Government Contracts
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Customs Client Services
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

Allows companies to import goods without paying duties if they eventually supply the goods under a contract to either the Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC), the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), or for joint Canada/NAFTA government projects.  Before delivering the goods under contract, you can further manufacture them or use them in a limited manner without having to pay duties.  If duties have already been paid, you could qualify for a drawback (refund) under the Duty Drawback Program.

General Excise and Sales Tax Regulations
Canada Revenue Agency - CRA
Phone: Toll free: 1-866-330-3304 (English) or 1-800-877-9277 (French)

Excise tax is applied to items such as certain petroleum products, automotive air conditioners, heavy automobiles and jewellery. The excise tax is set at either a specific rate or as a percentage of manufacturer's sale price, and is in addition to the GST. Persons who manufacture or produce excise taxable goods, the value of which exceeds $50,000 per calendar year, are required to obtain an excise tax license. A wholesaler license can also be obtained in certain circumstances. This allows for the purchase and resale of these goods and permits the wholesaler to collect the tax at the point of sale instead of paying it upfront.

National Customs Rulings Program
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Customs Client Services
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English)  or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

These rulings are written for importers or their agents to let them know upfront how the department will apply customs legislation to an import shipment.  These are issued for tariff classification, origin, and value for duty.  The rulings are binding on both the department and the importer and are honoured nationally, unless the NCR is modified or revoked.

Tariff Classification of Imported Goods
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Customs Client Services
Phone: Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English)  or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

All importers of goods into Canada are required to have the product classified under the international harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) to ascertain whether any prohibitions, quotas, anti-dumping or countervailing duties, NAFTA provisions or other preferential tariff treatments apply.

Tariff Treatment - Origin -- Imported Goods
Border Information Service - BIS
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English)  or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

Goods imported into Canada may be subject to one of twelve separate tariff treatments.  These treatments resulted from various unilateral, bilateral and trilateral trade agreements (such as NAFTA) which Canada negotiated with her trading partners.  Goods imported from the few countries that are not signatories to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) or to any other trade agreement with Canada are subject to a 35% duty under the General Tariff.  Countries who are signatories to the GATT but to no other trade agreement with Canada are subject to Most-favoured-Nation Tariff.

Temporary Importation/Exportation Programs
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Customs Client Services
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English)  or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

The Temporary Importation Regulations set out the purposes and conditions under which goods may be imported temporarily and receive full or partial relief of customs duties and taxes.  These regulations include Side Shows and Concessions Remission Order, Goods for Emergency Use Remission Order, Merchandise for Photographic Layouts Remission Order, Commercial Samples Remission Order, Foreign Organizations Remission Order, Goods Imported for Certification Remission Order, Scientific or Exploratory Expeditions Remission Order.

Valuation of Imported Goods
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Customs Client Services
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English)  or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

Anyone bringing goods into Canada must declare a value for them in accordance with the Customs Act. The Customs Client Services assists importers in determining the value of imported goods in order to determine how much duty and tax is applicable.

Licenses and Permits for Controlled Goods

Canada Border Services Agency helps other federal government departments by administering and enforcing regulations on their behalf. This is done to ensure that prohibited and controlled goods are not illegally imported into, or exported out of, the country. Prohibited goods (i.e. sneezing powder) are not allowed into the country. Controlled goods will require one or more of the following: permit, certificate, special labelling, specific type of packaging (i.e. child resistant) or other authorization.  This must be obtained before the goods will be released by Canada Border Services Agency.  The following list gives a general overview as to which items have controls placed on them and which department importers should contact in order to meet the necessary requirements.

Automated Import Reference System (AIRS)
Canadian Food Inspection Agency - CFIA
Phone: 204-983-2200 or Toll Free - 1-800-442-2342
Fax: 204-984-6008

The Automated Import Reference System (AIRS) is a tool that importers or potential importers can use to obtain accurate and timely information on import requirements for food products. The application is interactive and uses a question and answer approach to guide you through a series of questions about the Harmonized System (HS) Codes, origin, destination, end use and miscellaneous qualifiers of the product or products that you may wish to import.

Banned Consumer Chemicals
National Consumer Product Safety Office
Product Safety Program
Health Canada
Phone: Toll-free 1-866-662-0666 (will be routed to closest office)
TTY Toll-free: 1-800-267-1245

The purpose of the Hazardous Products Act is to protect the health and safety of consumers by prohibiting or regulating the sale, advertising or importation of hazardous or potentially hazardous consumer products, and to ensure the protection of Canadian workers and employers from the adverse effects of hazardous materials through the provision of precautionary labelling and material safety data sheets.

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (formerly the Atomic Energy Control Board)
Phone: Toll free 1-800-668-5284
Fax:  613-995-5086

The Board controls the import, export and transportation of nuclear materials and other prescribed substances, equipment and technology.

Controlled Substances and Precursors
Office of Controlled Substances
Health Canada - HCan
Phone: 613-952-2131 or Toll free 1-866-225-0709
Fax: 613-941-4760

Any person wishing to manufacture, import or export, give, transport, send, deliver or distribute a narcotic must be a licensed dealer.  The fee for a license is $1750 (possibly lower if some criteria are met). A licensed dealer wanting to import or export a narcotic must also obtain a permit from Health Canada.

Export and Import of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulations
Mr. Joe Wittwer
Waste Reduction and Management
Environment Canada
Phone: Toll free 1-800-668-6767

The Regulations implement the prior informed consent mechanisms for exports, imports and transit of hazardous wastes and hazardous recyclable materials.

Fees for Imported Mail
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

The fee charged for goods imported as mail is $5 for each item of mail.  The fee does not apply to goods imported as mail where:

  • all the goods in each item of mail are not charged with duties;
  • goods for which a remission of all duties is granted;
  • commercial goods that have an estimated value of $1,600 or more; or
  • goods delivered by Priority Courier Services.

Canadian Firearms Centre
Phone: Toll free 1-800-731-4000 or 506-624-5380 (outside Canada and the U.S.)

Authorization is required to import firearms. Authorization is given at the time of importation. However, this does not authorize the importation of prohibited firearms, prohibited weapons, prohibited devices or prohibited ammunition for the purpose of transporting them through Canada to a foreign destination.  Note that foreign and domestic businesses can still ship non-prohibited items in transit through Canada to a foreign destination.

Canadian Food Inspection Agency - CFIA
Import Service Centre
Phone: 204-983-2200 or Toll free 1-800-442-2342

Fish and fish products imported into Canada are inspected to prevent the marketing of unsafe or unwholesome or mislabeled products.

Food Import
Canadian Food Inspection Agency - CFIA
Import Service Centre
Phone: 204-983-2200 or Toll free 1-800-442-2342

The regulation of the importation of food into Canada is the shared responsibility of several federal agencies and departments. The primary federal bodies involved are the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA.

Health Canada
Product Safety Branch
Phone: 204-983-5490 or Toll free 1-866-662-0666
Fax: 204-984-0461

The department prohibits or regulates the sale, advertising or import of certain new or used consumer products.  Persons wanting to manufacture, import or sell a consumer product can contact the Consumer Product Safety office for more information.

Import Permits
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada - DFAIT
Phone: 613-944-1803 (Agriculture Products);
613-996-2387 (Military & Technology; Logs, U.S.-Origin & Miscellaneous Exports)
613-944-2167 (Softwood Lumber);
613-944-7022 (Steel);
613-996-3711 (Textiles & Clothing);
or Toll free 1-877-808-8838 (In Canada)

Goods which are on the Import Control List are subject to a series of quotas and import licenses.  In most cases, an import permit will be needed for the following items: Textiles and Clothing, Agricultural Products, Steel Products and Military & Technology; Logs, U.S.-Origin & Miscellaneous Exports.

Import Quotas
Export and Import Controls Bureau
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada - DFAIT
Phone: 613-944-0777 (English); 613-995-8104 (French) or Toll free 1-800-267-8376 (In Canada)
Fax: 613-996-0612

Certain goods on the Import Control List are subject to quotas or restrictions and require a permit before they can be imported into Canada (also see Import Permits).

Importing and Exporting Cultural Property
Canadian Heritage
Movable Cultural Property Program
Phone: 1-866-999-2494
Fax: 819-997-7757

The department has import restrictions on cultural property that has been illicitly exported from certain countries and brought into Canada. It also ensures the preservation of Canadian heritage by establishing export restrictions for objects of historical, scientific and cultural significance.

International Import Certificates
Export and Import Controls Bureau
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada - DFAIT
Phone: Toll free 1-800-267-8376
Fax: 613-996-9933

The International Import Certificate defines the items and quantities of controlled goods that are being imported, and indicates that the Canadian government is aware of and has no objections to that import.  It allows the government of the exporting country to ensure that the goods are not diverted en route or upon arrival.

Labelling - Packaging Consumer Products (Non-Food)
Industry Canada - IC
Phone: Toll free  1-800-348-5358

The department administers the packaging and labelling requirements of non-food products at all levels of trade.

Lead and Phosphorus in Gasoline
Oil, Gas and Energy Branch
Environment Canada - EC
Phone: 1-800-668-6767

Regulations set concentration limits for lead and phosphorus in gasoline, and provide higher limits or exemptions for special uses of leaded gasoline.  The maximum concentration of lead in gasoline, except for special uses defined in the regulations, is 5 mg/L, if manufactured in Canada, or up to 26 mg/L if imported. The maximum concentration of phosphorus in gasoline is 1.3mg/L.

Ozone-depleting Substances
Environment Canada - EC
Chemicals Sector Division
Pollution Prevention Directorate
Phone: 819-953-1665
Fax: 819-994-0007

Controls the import, export, manufacture, use, purchase and sale of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and products containing or that are intended to contain ODS. 

Protective Measures for Canadian Products Against Unfair Foreign Competition
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Customs Client Services
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English)  or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

Canada Border Services Agency can impose anti-dumping or countervailing duties on imports of dumped or subsidized goods if they either have caused, are causing, or threaten to cause material injury or retardation to Canadian producers of similar goods.  Dumped goods are defined as good sold to importers in Canada at prices lower than their selling price in the exporter's domestic market, or at prices lower than their full cost.  Subsidizing is defined as goods that get financial or commercial benefits from a foreign government that lower the price of the goods exported to Canada.

Regulation of Explosives
Natural Resources Canada - NRCan
Phone: 613-948-5200
Fax: 613-948-5195

This division administers Canada's Explosives Act through a system of authorizations, licenses, permits and inspections. Importers, manufacturers and distributors of explosives, pyrotechnics, fireworks, ammunition, propellants, and toy pistol caps, and other safety-oriented types of explosives (safety flares, airbag inflators) must comply with the regulations set out under the Act.

Chlorobiphenyls Regulations
Transboundary Movement Branch
Environment Canada - EC
Phone: 1-800-668-6767

This affects manufacturers, processors, users, sellers and importers of electrical equipment filled with PCBs.

Therapeutic Products
Health Canada - HCan
Therapeutic Products Directorate
Health Products and Food Branch
Phone: 1-866-225-0709

A wide range of products are regulated under the Food and Drug Act and importers must meet various requirements.  These products include: pharmaceuticals (prescription, non-prescription, and over-the-counter),  biologicals (vaccines, blood and blood products, certain hormones and enzymes, allergenic extracts, tissues and organs, and biotherapeutics such as DNA products or genetic engineering), radiopharmaceuticals, medical devices (medical and dental implants, medical equipment and instruments, test kits for diagnosis, contraceptive devices), disinfectants, low-risk products (i.e. sunscreen, antiperspirants, toothpaste, etc.), cosmetics, and narcotic, controlled and restricted substances.

Wild Animal and Plant Trade
Environment Canada - EC
CITES Office
Canadian Wildlife Service
Phone: 1-800-668-6767
The department controls the import, export and interprovincial transport and sale of certain wild species of animals and plants, as well as their parts and derivatives, as outlined in the Wild Animal and Plant Trade Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act (WAPPRIITA).


Licensing of Customs Brokers
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 204-983-3500 or Toll free 1-800-461-9999 (English) or 1-800-959-2036 (French)

A customs broker acts as an importer's agent for dealings with Canada Border Services Agency.  Although any agent (including customs brokers) can undertake most customs work for importers, only customs brokers licensed by Canada Border Services Agency may, on a commercial basis, account for goods and pay duties and taxes on behalf of an importer.

Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
250 - 240 Graham Ave
P.O. Box 2609
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3C 4B3
Telephone: 204-984-2272
Fax: 204-983-3852
Toll-free (information): 1-800-665-2019
TTY Toll-free (hearing impaired): 1-800-457-8466
Web site:
Hours of operation: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.