Government of Manitoba

Louis Riel Capital Corporation

Non Governmental Organization

Last Verified: 2007-07-10

The Louis Riel Capital Corporation (LRCC) is a Manitoba Metis-owned lending institution created to finance the start-up, acquisition and/or expansion of viable Metis and Non-Status Indian controlled small businesses based in Manitoba.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must be an individual of Metis or Non-Status Indian ancestry (MNSI) or a corporation or other approved entity.



  • The project must be MNSI owned or controlled
  • All eligible applicants will be required to provide an appropriate amount of equity in their proposed operation or expansion
  • The project is viable in that it has the potential to produce income which will cover operating costs, a reasonable income for the owner, loan repayment and has long-term potential for profitability
  • Appropriate skills that should allow the applicant to successfully carry on the business. Training, education, and experience may be conditional prior to approving funding
  • Applicants must reside in Manitoba and the applicant's business shall be based in Manitoba
  • All loans must be adequately secured
  • A loan negotiation fee of up to 3 per cent


  • Direct capital loans
  • Bridge financing
  • Youth Loans


  • Business Advisory Services
  • Bookkeeping Services

Manitoba Contact(s):
Louis Riel Capital Corporation
340, 150 Henry Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3B 0J7
Telephone: (204) 589-0772
Fax: (204) 589-0791
Toll-free (information): 1-800-387-6004