Government of Manitoba

Rural Info-Guide

Last Verified: 2007-11-05

What is an Info-Guide?

The Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre created Info-Guides to help you navigate through the wide range of programs and services in a specific area as well as related regulations that may affect your business venture. Info-Guides featuring other topics of interest are also available by contacting the Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre at 204-984-2272 (in Winnipeg) or 1-800-665-2019 (toll free in Canada) or by e-mail at



Agriculture - Financial Assistance

Advance Payments Program (APP)
Financial Guarantee Programs Division
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - AAFC
Phone: Toll free 1-888-346-2511
Internet: Advance Payments Program (APP)

The loan guarantee program gives producers easier access to credit through cash advances up to $400 000 ($100 000 interest-free). Producers can then store their crops until their value rises.

Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food (ACAAF)
National Contact
Adaptation Division
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - AAFC
Phone: 613-759-6557
Internet: Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food Program
Regional Contact
Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council
Telephone: 204-982-4790 or toll free 1-800-216-9767
Fax: 204-982-4794

Under the ACAAF program, funding is provided for eligible projects identified and carried out by the agriculture and agri-food sector. The objectives of the ACAAF program are to:
* expand the sector's capacity to respond to current and emerging issues;
* position the sector to capture market opportunities;
* actively and continuously engage the sector to contribute to future agriculture and agri-food policy directions; and
* integrate sector-led projects tested and piloted under ACAAF into future government or industry initiatives.

Canadian Agriculture and Food International Program (CAFI)
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - AAFC
Phone: 204-983-3032
Fax: 204-983-4583
Internet: Canadian Agriculture and Food International Program (CAFI)

The Program provides matching funding for industry activities that enhance and promote Canada's reputation as the world leader in supplying safe, high-quality agriculture, agri-food, beverage and seafood products that meet the changing demands of world markets.

Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - AAFC
Phone: Toll Free - 1-866-367-8506
Fax: 204-983-3947 or toll free 1-877-949-4885
Internet: Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program

The Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) program integrates stabilization and disaster protection into a single program, helping producers protect their farming operations from both small and large drops in income. CAIS is a whole-farm program available to eligible farmers regardless of the commodities they produce.

Canadian Agricultural Skills Service (CASS)
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - AAFC
Phone: Toll free from Manitoba 1-866-668-2277
Internet: Canadian Agricultural Skills Service (CASS)

The Canadian Agricultural Skills Service (CASS) program will provide funding to beginning and established farmers and their spouses to develop a learning plan and take courses to help them gain the skills they need to reach their goals. CASS will assist farm families to acquire on-farm skills, or skills and training to pursue other income options, or both.

Canadian Farm Families Options Program for Training
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Toll-free: 1-866-367-8506
Fax: 204-983-3947
Internet: Canadian Farm Families Options Program

The Canadian Farm Families Options Program (Options) provides short-term income help to lower-income farmers and their families while they pursue training. The program also provides advice to improve their business prospects and income for the long-term.

MASC - Lending Programs - Direct Lending
Vice President, Lending Operations
Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation - MASC
Telephone: 204-726-7058
Fax: 204-726-6049
Internet: Direct Lending Program

A Direct Loan can be obtained for the purchase of land and/or buildings for agricultural purposes; the purchase of breeding stock; permanent improvements to land/buildings, construction/renovation of farm housing, production buildings and clearing, breaking and drainage of land, and debt consolidation. Direct Loans provide financing of up to a maximum of $525,000 for individuals and up to $1,050,000 for partnerships, corporations, and co-operatives with terms of up to 25 years.

Enhanced Spring Credit Advance Program (ESCAP)
Public Information Request Service
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Telephone: Toll Free 1-866-367-8506
Fax: 613-759-7977
Internet: Enhanced Spring Credit Advance Program

The Program helps producers manage the cash crunch of planting a spring crop by providing loan guarantees that facilitate access to short-term credit. Individual producers can receive an interest-free loan of up to $100 000, repayable within nine months.

Farm Credit Canada - Loans and Services
Farm Credit Canada - FCC
Phone: 1-888-332-3301
Internet: Farm Credit Canada - Loans and Services

The FCC lends money for any farm-related purpose - land, buildings, equipment, land improvements, quota, livestock, agribusiness or value-added enterprises, diversification initiatives; and businesses related to agriculture, both farmer and non-farmer owned. FCC can lend to new and established farmers with or without off-farm income, for any size of operation, provided the borrower is of legal age and a Canadian citizen (or permanent resident).

Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act (FIMCLA)
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - AAFC
Phone: 1-888-346-2511
Internet: Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loan Act

A guaranteed loans program which offers financial assistance of up to $250,000 to individual farmers, farm partnerships and farm corporations and up to $3 million to producer-owned cooperatives to access intermediate term credit to finance the acquisition of farm assets, improve production technology and improve credit worthiness; guarantee loans for a variety of farm improvement projects; consolidate or refinance debts incurred for eligible loan purposes; or for cooperatives wishing to market, process or distribute farm products which can then be marketed in a value-added form.

Manitoba Agri-Ventures Initiatives (MAVI)
Ms. Rachel Bosc
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone:  204-945-3498
Fax: 204-945-6134
Internet: Manitoba Agri-Ventures Initiative

Provides business planning and market development assistance, focussing on new and expanded uses for Agricultural commodities.  Funding is available for the development of business plans, feasibility studies, new product development, new process development and market development.

Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC)
To find a Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation representative near you, contact the Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre at 204-984-2272 or 1-800-665-2019 or visit the web site below.
Internet: Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation

Provides financial assistance to farmers for establishment, development and operation of agricultural enterprises.  Emphasis is placed on the young, beginning farmer and farmers wanting to diversify or add value to their production.  Eligible applicants include individuals, co-operatives, partnerships and corporations who are involved in a farm enterprise. The farm operation must be considered potentially viable and meet security requirements.

MASC offers the following programs:
  • Alternative Energy Loans
  • BSE Recovery Loan Program
  • Bridging Generations Initiative
  • Comprehensive Refinancing Program
  • Direct Lending
  • Enhanced Diversification Loan Guarantee Program
  • Environmental Enhancement Loans
  • Manitoba Livestock Associations Loan Guarantee Program
  • Operating Credit Guarantee
  • Rural Entrepreneur Assistance - REA
  • Stocker Loans
  • Young Farmer Rebate

Manitoba Livestock Association Loan Guarantee Program
Garry McGregor, Livestock Associations Supervisor
Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation - MASC
Phone: 204-726-7069
Fax: 204-726-6849
Internet: Manitoba Livestock Associations Loan Guarantee Program

Assists Manitoba residents to establish feeder cattle association cooperatives and arrange financing through commercial financial institutions with security extended by a government loan guarantee.

MASC - Lending Programs - Stocker Loans
Vice President, Lending Operations
Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation
Telephone: 204-726-7058
Fax: 204-726-6049
Internet: Lending Program - Stocker Loans

Stocker Loans can be used for the purchase of steer and heifer calves, and feeder cows. Cash advances can be issued for stocker cattle already owned by the applicant. Stocker agreements may not exceed $175,000.


To find a Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation representative near you, contact the Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre at 204-984-2272 or 1-800-665-2019 or visit the web site below.
Internet: MASC - Insurance Offices

Crop Insurance
Vice-President, Insurance Operations
Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation - MASC
Phone:  204-239-3268
Fax: 204-239-3401
Internet: Crop Insurance

Insurance against crop loss caused by natural hazards.

Excess Moisture Insurance
Vice-President, Insurance Operations
Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation - MASC
Phone: 204-239-3268
Fax: 204-239-3401
Internet: Excess Moisture Insurance

Compensates for the inability to seed crops due to excessive rainfall, flood, or excessive moisture.

Forage Establishment Insurance
Vice-President, Insurance Operations
Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation - MASC
Phone: 204-239-3268
Fax: 204-239-3401
Internet: Forage Establishment Insurance

Provides insurance against losses due to natural hazards during the establishment period of forage production.

Forage Insurance Programs
Vice-President, Insurance Operations
Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation - MASC
Phone: 204-239-3268
Fax: 204-239-3401
Internet: Forage Insurance Program

Provides insurance against losses due to natural hazards for production of tame hay and native hay.

MASC - Insurance Programs - Hail Insurance
Vice-President, Insurance Operations
Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation - MASC
Phone: 204-239-3268
Fax: 204-239-3401
Internet: Hail Insurance

Provides additional hail insurance under the Crop Insurance Act.

Wildlife Damage Compensation Program
Vice-President, Insurance Operations
Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation - MASC
Phone: 204-239-3268
Fax: 204-239-3401
Internet: Wildlife Damage Compensation Program

Provides compensation for damage to crops, honey products and leafcutter bee products caused by migratory waterfowl and big game.  It also includes compensation for agricultural livestock killed or injured by natural predators.

Other Programs and Services

AgriSuccess: Information and Learning
Farm Credit Canada
Phone: 1-888-332-3301
Internet: AgriSuccess: Information and Learning

AgriSuccess offers workshops, a multi-day course on farm management principles, a weekly online newsletter - AgriSuccess Express that explores Canadian agriculture news, and AgriSuccess Journal, a farm management magazine published every two months.

AgriWeb Canada
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - AAFC
Phone: 613-759-1000
Internet: AgriWeb Canada

A national directory of Canadian agriculture and agri-food information resources available via the internet.

Business Development & Management
Mr. Keith Kyle, Business Development Specialist - Farm Management
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone: 204-726-6411
Fax: 204-726-6260
Internet: Business Development & Management
(Please contact the C/MBSC at 1-800-665-2019 to locate the service point nearest you or search on-line at GO Team Offices & Centres.)

The Business Management program was created to build and strengthen individual business management practices directed at maximizing business net income through effective production, marketing, human resources, and financial management activity. Those involved in agriculture, agri-business and rural business may participate in this program. It is delivered to clients through publications, seminars, training courses, software, Web Information at MAFRI - Business & Economics website and direct on-farm contact by Business Development Specialists.

Agricultural Products - Markets Information Program
Market and Industry Services Branch
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Phone: 204-983-3032
Internet: Agricultural Products - Markets Information Program

This program provides the agri-food sector with daily, weekly, monthly and annual market information on agricultural products. This information helps agri-food businesses make better production and marketing decisions and is also used by decision-makers at all levels of government.

Alternative Crops Production
Mr. Keith Beaulieu, Greenhouse & Alternative Crops, Industry Focus Section, Crops Knowledge Centre
Agriculture Development & Marketing Division, Crop Branch
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone: 204-745-5673
Fax: 204-745-5690
Internet: Alternative Crops Production

Investigates, develops technology for and demonstrates commercial production of crops offering new production and value-added processing opportunities for Manitoba producers, including medicinal and aromatic plants.

Alternative Straw Utilization
Keith Watson, Diversification Specialist
Agri Food Innovation and Adaptation
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone: 204-622-2009
Fax: 204-638-2854
Internet: Alternative Straw Utilization

Provides information for the supply of straw for alternate uses, thereby resulting in the reduction or elimination of the need to burn straws on fields.

Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services
Canadian Agri-Renewal Services
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - AAFC
Phone: Toll free 1-866-452-5558
Internet: Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services

Through the Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services (CFBAS), eligible producers - those with at least $10 000 in annual gross farm sales and beginning producers - have access to a range of free services, including: program entry; farm business assessment; follow-up and specialized business planning services.

Canadian Rural Information Service (CRIS)
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - AAFC
Phone: Toll free 1-888-757-8725
Fax: Toll free - 1-800-884-9899
Internet: Canadian Rural Information Service

Provides information services for rural residents on subjects such as: community development, funding sources and opportunities for rural youth.

Cereal - Oilseed and Special Crop Production
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Crops Knowledge Centre
Phone: 204-745-5630
Fax: 204-745-5690
E-mail: soils&
Internet: Cereal, Oilseed Special Crop Production

Provides information on new varieties, disease problems and production techniques of wheat, oats, barley, rye, flax, winter wheat, triticale, corn, potato, canola, sunflowers, buckwheat, field beans, lentils and other special crops.

Elk Farming in Manitoba
Nelson Bowley
On-Farm Food Safety Manager
Chief Veterinary Office/Food Safety Knowledge Centre
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone: 204-945-7677
Fax: 204-945-4327
Internet: Elk Farming in Manitoba

Provides educational assistance to producers wanting to become involved or currently operating elk farms. The industry is regulated by Manitoba Agriculture which inspects all elk operations on an annual basis to ensure compliance with operational standards.

Equine and Bison Production
Mr. Ray Salmon, Business Development Specialist (Bison & Equine)
Livestock Knowledge Centre - Industry Focus Section
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone: 204-945-2223 or 204-795-5260
Fax: 204-945-4327
Internet: Equine Production
Internet: Bison Production

Assists and promotes development of the equine and bison industries by providing technical support, services and information to producers, regional staff and industry.

Farm Debt Mediation Service
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - AAFC
Phone: Toll free 1-866-452-5556
Internet: Farm Debt Mediation Service

Provides insolvent farmers and their creditors with mediation services pursuant to the federal Farm Debt Mediation Act to help them arrive at a mutually satisfactory agreement.  The service is private, confidential and economical.

Farm Machinery Board
Mr. Randy Ozunko, Program Specialist
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone: 204-945-3856
Fax: 204-948-2844
Internet: Farm Machinery Board

Administers the Manitoba Farm Machinery and Equipment Act which assists producers with problems related to their farm machinery, be that financial, application or mechanical.

Food Development Centre
Alphonsus Utioh, Manager, Product & Process Development
Food Development Centre
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone: Toll free 1-800-870-1044
Fax: 204-239-3180
Internet: Food Development Centre

A research and development centre fully equipped to help small and large food, beverage and animal feed businesses, processors and budding entrepreneurs who want professional help to successfully compete in the food industry.  Provides agri-food seminars and workshops on marketing, labelling, introduction of new equipment, and a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point overview and implementation program. Professional services and technical expertise are provided to help start or expand a new or existing food business or product.

Forage Crop and Seed Production
Mr. Glenn Friesen, Business Development Specialist - Forage
Agri-Industry Development
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone:  204-745-5672
Fax: 204-745-5690
Internet: Forage Crop and Seed Production

The objective of this program is to encourage efficient and economic forage seed, grassland and crop production in the province, as well as conservation and utilisation.

Fruit Production
Anthony Mintenko, Fruit Specialist
Crops Knowledge Centre
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone: 204-745-5675
Internet: Fruit Production

Encourages economic and sustainable commercial production and marketing of domestic fruit as well as development and commercialization of native and/or non-traditional fruit.

Greenhouse Production
Mr. Keith Beaulieu, Greenhouse & Alternative Crops
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone: 204-745-5673
Fax: 204-745-5690
Internet: Greenhouse Production

The objective of this program is to encourage the economic commercial production of greenhouse crops and to assist potential commercial greenhouse growers. It provides technical assistance in a variety of methods such as publications, resource lists, demonstrations, seminars, direct contact and telephone inquiries.

Manitoba Farm Mediation Board (MFMB)
Mr. Robert (Bob) McKenzie, Program Specialist
Boards, Commissions & Legislation
Phone: 204-945-0357 or Toll free 1-800-282-8069 ext 0357
Fax: 204-945-1489
Internet: Manitoba Farm Mediation Board (MFMB)

Provides financial counselling and mediation assistance to farmers facing foreclosure or financial difficulty. If necessary, the MFMB will guarantee the farmer's loan or lease payments to help facilitate the agreement between the farmer and the farmer's creditors.  The MFMB requires that the farm has reasonable probability of being viable.

Market Information & Industry Analysis:  Livestock and Crops
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone:  204-945-2364
Internet: Market Information & Industry Analysis: Livestock & Crops

Provides current market reports, short and long-term outlook and analysis of the livestock and crop industries including changing marketing systems and policies.

Non-Traditional Livestock Information Service
Mr. Nelson Bowley, On-Farm Food Safety Manager
Chief Veterinary Office/Food Safety Knowledge Centre
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone: 204-945-7677
Fax: 204-945-4327
Internet: Non-Traditional Livestock Information Service

Develops, implements and promotes programs and information on management, marketing and animal welfare in the area of non-traditional livestock.

Organic Farming
Mr. John Hollinger, Organic Business Development Specialist
Crops Knowledge Centre
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone:  204-745-5643
Fax: 204-745-5690
Internet: Organic Farming

Provides information on all aspects of the organic agriculture sector, from production to marketing.

Potato Production
Mr. Tom Gonsalves, Business Development Specialist - Potato
Crops Knowledge Centre
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone: 204-745-5671
Fax: 204-745-5690
Internet: Potato Production

The program is comprised of Pest Identification and Management, Irrigation Management and all other agronomic management aspects for proper production and storage of potatoes, with a focus on quality.

Sheep and Goat Extension Service
Dr. Rob Berry, Dairy Cattle Specialist
Animal Industry Branch
Agricultural Services Complex
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone: 204-945-7670 or 204-797-8074
Fax: 204-945-4327
Internet: Sheep and Goat Extension Service

Provides sheep and goat producers with sheep and goat production information.

Prairie Shelterbelt Program
AAFC-PFRA - Shelterbelt Centre
Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - AAFC
Phone: 1-866-766-2284
Internet: Prairie Shelterbelt Program

The Prairie Shelterbelt Program (PSP) provides technical services and tree and shrub seedlings for establishment of shelterbelts and other agroforestry, conservation and reclamation projects on agricultural and eligible lands.

Swine Extension Service
Dr. Ian Seddon
Business Development Specialist - Swine
Livestock Knowledge Centre
Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone: 204-945-0353
Fax: 204-945-4327
Internet: Swine Extension Service

The objective of this program is to provide technical support, services and information to producers, regional staff and industry for the purpose of enhancing the productive viability of Manitoba's pork industry.

Vegetable Production
Brian Hunt, Vegetable Crop Specialist
Crop Diversification Section
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone: 204-856-9255
Fax: 204-239-3403
Internet: Vegetable Production

Encourages economic production, storage and marketing of commercially grown vegetables as well as advising on pest management.

Non-Agricultural Businesses

Non-Agricultural Financial Assistance

Business Start Program (BSP)
Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
Small Business Development Branch
c/o Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
Phone: 204-945-7721 or call Toll-free in Manitoba 1-800-665-2019
Fax: 204-983-3852
Internet: Business Start Program

Business Start loans, up to a maximum of $20,000, are available to new owner-managed business across Manitoba. Loans are provided through participating banks and credit unions and guaranteed by the Manitoba Government. A Business Start loan can provide funding for business registration or incorporation costs, equipment and inventory purchases, promotional costs and working capital needs. Loan terms include an attractive prime-plus-one per cent interest rate and a one-year deferral of principal repayment. The program also provides entrepreneurial training through a free three-day Business Planning Workshop, which is mandatory for all Business Start loan applicants. A comprehensive business plan must be submitted with the loan application.

Community Futures Program - CFP
Western Economic Diversification Canada - WD
Internet: Community Futures Program (CFP)
(Call the C/MBSC Toll free at 1-800-665-2019 to find the Community Futures Office for the service location nearest you.)

Independent, non-profit corporations that provide business counselling, business information seminars, training in self-employment skills, access to market information, and business loans to help entrepreneurs create new businesses or to assist businesses expand.  Loan amounts are up to $150,000 and are approved by the CFDC Board of Directors.

Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) - Feasibility Studies Program
Manitoba Agricultural, Food and Rural Initiatives
Phone: 1-800-567-7334
Internet: Feasibility Study Program

REDI can provide up to 50% cost-shared funding to hire an independent consultant for a financial, marketing or engineering analysis and/or development of a business plan. Approval for funding must be received before commencing the study.

MASC - Loan Guarantee Programs - Rural Entrepreneur Assistance (REA) Program
Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation - MASC
Phone: 1-800-567-7334
Internet: Rural Entrepreneur Assistance (REA) Component

Guarantees a percentage of individual business capital loans between $10,000 and $200,000.  Loans are offered and administered by participating banks and credit unions for five year terms at  Prime +1% interest rate.  The applicant will be required to contribute 20% of the total project costs in the form of a cash contribution, land, buildings, equipment, inventory and/or incremental assets that would be employed in the business.  Loans are to be used for new enterprises or the enhancement of existing operations but not for renovations or cosmetic changes to building, land signs and promotional material or refinancing of existing debt.

Other Programs and Services

Economic Development Intiatives
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives - MAFRI
Phone: Toll free 1-800-567-7334

Provides community economic development and business consulting support to rural Manitoba businesses and local communities.

Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
250 - 240 Graham Ave
P.O. Box 2609
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3C 4B3
Telephone: 204-984-2272
Fax: 204-983-3852
Toll-free (information): 1-800-665-2019
TTY Toll-free (hearing impaired): 1-800-457-8466
Web site:
Hours of operation: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.