Government of Manitoba

Small Business Info-Guide - Non-Financial Programs

Last Verified: 2008-01-03

What is an Info-Guide?

The Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre created Info-Guides to help you navigate through the wide range of programs and services in a specific area as well as related regulations that may affect your business venture. Info-Guides featuring other topics of interest are also available by contacting the Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre at 204-984-2272 (in Winnipeg) or 1-800-665-2019 (toll free in Canada) or by e-mail at



Manitoba Companies Directory
Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
Phone: 204-945-0047 or Toll free 1-800-529-9981
Fax: 204-945-1354
Internet: Manitoba Companies Directory

The Manitoba Companies Database allows you to connect your organization to potential buyers, sellers and partners - across Canada and around the world - by showcasing your Manitoba organization in both domestic and international markets.

Manitoba Marketing Network Inc.
Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
c/o Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
250 - 240 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3
Phone: 204-945-1230 or Toll free 1-800-665-2019
Fax: 204-983-3852
Internet: Manitoba Marketing Network Inc.

Provides access to practical marketing advice and assistance by connecting small business owners with experienced business people currently managing or operating a successful business. There is no fee for this service. The Network also provides workshops at least three times a year.

Marketing - Conducting Market Research and Developing a Strategy
Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
250 - 240 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3
Phone: 204-984-2272 or Toll free 1-800-665-2019

This info-sheet provides an overview of marketing and covers market research, customers, competition, environment, marketing strategy, market penetration, marketing mix and the right price for your product or service.

Competition Act - Misleading Advertising and Deceptive Marketing Practices
Information Centre
Competition Bureau
Phone: Toll free 1-800-348-5358
TTY: 1-800-642-3844
Fax: 819-997-0324
Internet: Advertising and Deceptive Marketing Practices - the Competition Act

Under the Competition Act, certain types of misleading advertising and deceptive marketing practices are a criminal offense. The Bureau of Competition Policy can provide information on how the Competition Act applies to proposed business activities and how a member of the public or business community can take action against deceitful business practices.

Business Information Sources

C/MBSC Library and Research Services
Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
250 - 240 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3
Phone: 204-984-2272 or Toll free 1-800-665-2019
Fax: 204-983-3852

Our reference library has one of the country's most extensive collections of business, trade and industrial publications as well as video and audiotapes, magazines, periodicals, newspapers, CD-ROMs, databases and directories. You can come in and use the publications for reference, or borrow our audio and videotapes to use in the comfort of your office or home. There is no cost for any of the Centre's services.

Manitoba E-Future Service
Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
250 - 240 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3
Phone: 204-984-2272 or Toll free in Manitoba 1-800-665-2019
Fax: 204-983-3852
Internet: E-Business

The Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre offers products and services to companies who wish to use technology to drive their business growth. Programs and services include:

  • Resource-Packed Website
  • Professional Service
  • Award Winning Library
  • Seminars Series and Speakers Bureau
  • E-Capabilities Database – Find an internet security specialist, e-business developer or internet service provider in Manitoba
  • Regional Centres - Information is available through our regional offices located throughout the province.

Canadian Company Capabilities
Industry Canada - IC
Phone: 1-800-328-6189
Internet: Canadian Company Capabilities

Canadian Company Capabilities is an online database that profiles approximately 60,000 Canadian companies. It offers free registration to Canadian companies and is available globally through Industry Canada's website.

Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters
Phone: 204-949-1454
Fax: 204-943-3476
Internet: Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters

The mission of Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters is to continuously improve the competitiveness of Canadian industry and to expand export business. They accomplish this by providing: - Effective advocacy to government at all levels. - Timely, relevant information, programs and support of superior quality and value. - Opportunities for networking, learning and professional growth. - Promoting the development and implementation of advanced technology.

Asper Centre for Entrepreneurship - U of M
Mr. Robert Warren, Director
University of Manitoba
Phone: 204-474-8443
Fax: 204-474-7698
Internet: Asper Centre for Entrepreneurship

Major activities include the development and/or promotion of small business education and research, including: opportunity identification, threshold company development, entrepreneurial support for medium and large organizations, networking programs linking national and international research centres, award programs, and international programs to encourage global enterprise.

Industrial Technology Centre (ITC) - Special Operating Agency
Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy & Mines
Phone: 204-480-3333 or 1-800-728-7933
Fax: 204-480-0345
Internet: Industrial Technology Centre (ITC)

The Centre offers the following services on a fee-for-service basis:

  • Noise and Vibration Measurement and Analysis
  • Virtual Reality Centre
  • Mechanical Testing
  • Dimensional Inspection Services
  • Machine and Product Design
  • Finite Element Analysis
  • Dimensional Calibration

For Manitoba industries and businesses, ITC offers technical information and advisory services. These services include:

  • On-site technical problem definition and solution development
  • Library services
  • Literature sourcing
  • Access to standards, catalogues and codes
  • Database searching

ITC assists business and industries through the development and implementation of new and innovative technologies and undertakes the promotion of technology-based, economic development.

Intellectual Properties
Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
250 - 240 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3
Phone: 204-984-2272 or Toll free 1-800-665-2019
TTY: 1-800-457-8466
Internet: Canadian Intellectual Properties Office

Includes patents, trade-marks, industrial design and copyrights. See descriptions below.

- Patents are legal documents protecting the rights of inventors. Through a patent, the government gives the inventor the right to exclude others from making, using or selling his or her invention from the day the patent is granted to a maximum of 20 years after the day the patent application is filed. The Canadian Patents Database website lets you access patent descriptions and images from 1920 to the present time. You can search, retrieve and study more than 1 900 000 patent documents.

- A trade-mark is a word, a symbol, a design--or a combination of these (such as a graphic logo with a slogan)--used to distinguish the wares or services of one person or organization from those of others in the marketplace. Trade-marks come to represent not only actual wares and services, but also the reputation of the producer. To view all active and many inactive marks that were either applied-for or registered pursuant to the current Trade-marks Act or former trade-mark legislation, at Canadian Trade-mark Database

Industrial Designs
- "Design" or "industrial design" means features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornament and any combination of those features that, in a finished article, appeal to and are judged solely by the eye. Only the proprietor of a design may apply for and obtain registration. You can search for Industrial Designs through the: Canadian Industrial Designs Database

- All Canadians automatically hold the copyright on original work they have created unless they were hired or employed by some other person to create it, in which case the employer is the owner. Any Canadian can also choose to register a copyright. No one is obliged to do so, but it can be a useful proof of ownership. You can search Copyrights through the: Canadian Copyrights Database

Managing for Business Success
Industry Canada - IC
Ottawa, ON
Telephone: 1-800-328-6189
Fax: 613-946-1035
Internet: Managing for Business Success

Managing for Business Success is a comprehensive portal website specific to the subject of business management skills, it can assist small and medium-sized enterprises with sources of practical advice or information that they can use when confronted by a management challenge, or when they simply want more information about a particular issue. This service is free to use and free to be listed in. Visit for information on: Finance, Marketing and Sales, Human Resources, Administration, Operations Management, Strategy, Leadership, Innovation and Technology, Advanced Topics & Business Support.

MERX: Electronic Tendering Service
Bev Laurin, Supplier Registration Agent
Public Works and Government Services Canada - PWGSC
Phone: 204-983-3774
Fax: 204-983-7796
Internet: MERX: Electronic Tendering Service

MERX is an internet-based electronic tendering system that advertises government contracting opportunities to potential bidders across Canada. There is no charge to view the notices, however, subscription fees apply for additional services.

The Manitoba Business Information Service
Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
Internet: Searchable Business Databases

A portal Internet site linking you to several searchable business databases. You can search the site manually or leverage the power of the information service by signing up for the automatic e-mail notification service. The databases include:

Manitoba Business Events Calendar - Review a listing of trade and buyers missions, trade shows and opportunities for Manitoba businesses.

Manitoba Companies Directory - Connect, submit and search for Manitoba companies by sector, name or market.

Manitoba Economic News - Review a library of news article summaries that reflect the growth of economic activity in Manitoba.

Registering as a Supplier
Bev Laurin, Supplier Registration Agent
Public Works and Government Services Canada - PWGSC
Phone: 204-983-3774 or 1-800-811-1148
Fax: 204-983-7796
Internet: Supplier Registration Information

Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) maintains lists of private sector vendors of goods and services used to select suppliers. These lists are still used by PWGSC regional offices for purchases under $25 000 under the area-buy policy.

The Supplier Registration Information Service is a database of vendors who want to do business with the federal government. When you register in SRI, the information becomes available to the various databases that are used by the department depending on the type of products and services you sell.

The VIM - Vendor Information Management system is used to identify sources of supply for most products and services. Note that professional services are often purchased by individual departments through MERX.

The SELECT system contains lists of pre-qualified real property firms (such as architects, engineers and construction trade contractors) identified by their expertise and the services they provide. In order to register with SELECT, firms and individuals first require a Procurement Business Number - (PBN) which can be obtained by registering in the Supplier Registration Information Service.

Sustainable Business Online Resources
Western Economic Diversification Canada - WD
Phone: 1-888-338-9378
Internet: Sustainable Business Online Resources

This Web site helps you find information, tools and resources that can assist you to implement sustainable development practices in your small and medium enterprise (SME).

Counselling Services

Aboriginal Business Development
Mike Thomas, Consultant
Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
c/o Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
250 - 240 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3
Phone: 204-984-2272 or Toll free 1-800-665-2019
Fax: 204-983-3852

Promotes entrepreneurship training, business information, seminars and counselling to aboriginal individuals and community organizations interested in developing small business and entrepreneurship.

Aboriginal Business Services Network - ABSN
Lindsay Dandeneau, ABSN, Coordinator
Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
c/o Room 250 - 240 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3
Phone: 204-984-2272 or Toll free 1-800-665-2019
Internet: Aboriginal Business Service Network

The Aboriginal Business Service Network provides the Aboriginal business community with information on government services, programs and regulations.

BDC Consulting
Business Development Bank of Canada - BDC
Phone: 1-877-232-2269
Internet: BDC Consulting

BDC's Consulting Group can help you assess, plan, and implement results-driven, cost-effective management solutions, whatever your company's stage of development --- starting a business, acquisition, growth, refinancing, exporting, e-business, or quality (ISO).

Industry Consulting Services
Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
Phone: 204-945-7938 or Toll free 1-800-282-8069 Ext. 7938
Internet: Industry Consulting Services

Offers consulting support for the establishment, expansion and/or retention of existing manufacturing facilities. Also offers consulting assistance to companies in the processing, service and resource industries. Services include referrals to financial assistance programs; economic development and feasibility study support, crisis counselling to companies experiencing difficulty, and information on export market development opportunities.

Guest Advisor Program
Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
250 - 240 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3
Phone: 204-984-2272 or 1-800-665-2019
Fax: 204-983-3852

This service provides Manitoba entrepreneurs with the opportunity to speak with lawyers, accountants, e-business experts and banking professionals who volunteer their time to discuss your business concerns. Contact our centre to schedule your free 20-minute appointment.

One-on-One Business Consulting
Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
c/o Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
250 - 240 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3
Phone: 204-984-2272 or Toll free 1-800-665-2019
Fax: 204-983-3852

Offers telephone and in-person counselling to entrepreneurs in the areas of business development, expansion and planning.

SEED Winnipeg Inc. - Supporting Employment & Economic Development
Phone: 204-927-9935
Fax: 204-927-9930
Internet: SEED Winnipeg Inc.

SEED delivers programs and services that help low-income individuals, groups and organizations start or expand businesses and save money for future goals. Business consulting and training, access to financing, and resource referrals are some of the services offered to business clients. All services are offered free of charge.

Small Business Law Clinic (MB) Inc.
Phone: 204-988-0318

Offers legal information for a nominal fee ($45) to entrepreneurs and small businesses on topics such as business structure, protection of ideas, confidentiality agreements, franchises and licensing agreements, product or service liability, commercial contracts, and more.
The Clinic does not draw documents, nor does it offer comments about pending or potential litigation. Clients are seen by appointment only.

Women's Enterprise Centre of Manitoba
Western Economic Diversification Canada - WD
100 - 207 Donald Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 1M5
Phone: 204-988-1860 or Toll free 1-800-203-2343
Internet: Women's Enterprise Centre of Manitoba

Offers a range of services intended to help new and existing women entrepreneurs. These include practical loan options to start or expand businesses which are 50% women-owned and controlled. There is no minimum loan amount and the maximum loan amount is $100,000.  The Women's Enterprise Centre also offers comprehensive, confidential advice from experienced professionals by appointment and continuous business knowledge development through seminars, mentoring programs, and youth programs.

Entrepreneurial Training Programs

Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre Seminars for Business
250 - 240 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3
Phone: 204-984-2272 or Toll free: 1-800-665-2019
Fax: 204-983-3852
Internet: Seminar Listing

A series of seminars covering topics of interest to small business in the areas of Business Start-Up, Business Planning/Development, Business Finance, Business Management, Intellectual Property, Marketing, Export and e-Business. Seminars are free of charge and seating is limited so please pre-register. For a complete listing of our seminars, you can visit our website or call and we will send you a listing in the mail.

Entrepreneurial Training and Development
Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
c/o Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
250 - 240 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3
Phone: 204-945-2103 or Toll free 1-800-665-2019
Fax: 204-983-3852

A variety of courses and seminars offered through Continuing Education departments for Manitobans interested in learning about small business start-up, business and personnel management, computer skills, and personal development. Most courses and seminars are offered three times a year during the evening. Watch for notices from school divisions for information on upcoming sessions and fee schedules.

Women's Enterprise Centre of Manitoba - Seminars
Western Economic Diversification Canada - WD
100 - 207 Donald, Winnipeg, MB R3C 1M5 
Phone: 204-988-1860 or Toll free 1-800-203-2343
Internet: Women's Enterprise Centre of Manitoba - Seminars

The Women's Enterprise Centre offers Seminars geared for women in business or considering starting or expanding a business. Topics include: Should I Start a Business?, Business Planning: An Introduction, Positioning Your Business for Success, Tax Tips for Business Owners There is a fee charged for these seminars.


Conciliation and Mediation Services
Manitoba Labour and Immigration
Phone: 204-945-3367
Fax: 204-945-3286
Internet: Conciliation and Mediation Services

Provides services of Conciliation, Grievance Mediation and consultation of labour relation matters to all organized labour and management and to those seeking advice and information regarding collective bargaining and grievance mediation. Also provides information on pay equity.

Employment Standards
Manitoba Labour and Immigration
Phone: 204-945-3352 or 1-800-821-4307
Internet: Employment Standards

The Employment Standards Branch is a neutral party that administers laws on minimum wages, hours of work, holidays and other workplace benefits. It is also responsible for investigating complaints of violations of these laws. Its aim is not only to enforce the legislation, but also to ensure employees and employers are aware of their rights and responsibilities under these laws.

Workplace Safety and Health Branch Services
Manitoba Labour and Immigration
Phone: 204-945-3446 or Toll free 1-800-282-8069, Ext. 3446
Internet: Workplace Safety and Health

Enforces legislation, codes and guidelines developed to ensure the maintenance of reasonable standards for safety and health of workers, self-employed persons and all persons in provincial workplaces.

Business Organizations

Destination Winnipeg Inc.
Phone: 204-943-1970 or 1-800-665-0204
Internet: Destination Winnipeg Inc.

Destination Winnipeg is the city's economic development and tourism agency. Focus is on business creation, retention, expansion and attraction.

The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce
Phone: 204-948-0100 or 1-877-444-5222
Internet: Manitoba Chamber of Commerce

The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce's mandate is to ensure that the voice of those businesses, corporate members and local Chambers of Commerce across the Province, is heard in the formation of provincial and federal government policy. It is dedicated to strengthening and promoting the competitive enterprise system in Manitoba and is committed to the needs and priorities of the majority of local Chambers in Manitoba.

Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce
Phone: 204-944-8484
Fax: 204-944-8492
Internet: Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce

The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce is the community's largest business association. The Chamber develops programs, such as luncheons, seminars and breakfast meetings, to provide educational and informative events on issues of concerns to the business community. The primary goal is to help its members be better at business.

Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
250 - 240 Graham Ave
P.O. Box 2609
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3C 4B3
Telephone: 204-984-2272
Fax: 204-983-3852
Toll-free (information): 1-800-665-2019
TTY Toll-free (hearing impaired): 1-800-457-8466
Web site:
Hours of operation: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday


Information contained in this document is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. Users concerned about the reliability of the information should consult directly with the source, or seek legal counsel.

Links Policy
Some of the hypertext links lead to non-federal government sites which are not subject to the Official Languages Act and the material is available in one language only.