Symbol of the Government of Canada

Workplace Skills Initiative

Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)

Last Verified: 2007-05-07

The Workplace Skills Initiative 2007 Call for Proposals is now closed.

A third Call for Proposals is under consideration.  However, no firm date has yet been established.

The Workplace Skills Initiative (WSI) is an important part of Human Resources and Social Development Canada's Workplace Skills Strategy. A major objective of the WSI is to fund projects which respond to a range of skills-related challenges in Canadian workplaces, in order to improve our productivity and position ourselves to effectively compete in the global knowledge-based economy.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible recipients may include:

  • Businesses and private sector organizations;
  • Unions;
  • Not-for-profit* organizations, such as employer and labour associations, sector councils, training organizations;
  • Public health and educational institutions;
  • Band, tribal councils, AHRDA holders (Aboriginal Human Resources Development Agreement holders);
  • Municipal governments, their corporations or agencies;
  • Provincial and territorial government boards, commissions and agencies.

Eligible Activities

Eligible funding categories include:

  • Program administration/overhead costs such as wages and benefits, rental of office space, telephones, etc. that are directly related to the project;
  • Equipment including tools (purchases may be allowed where it can be demonstrated to be cost-effective over rental, is necessary for the success of the project proposal, and is dedicated solely for project proposal activities);
  • Materials and supplies directly related to the success of the project;
  • Cost associated with printing, translation and dissemination of project reports;
  • Communications activities, events, and materials including promotional material and activities including awards and rewards, print, web-based and other media;
  • Cost associated with developing and testing workplace skills models and HR tools and practices such as internships, mentoring, coop, articling, laddering, upskilling;
  • Financial assistance may be provided to employers and coordinators to cover the costs of wages and the employer’s share of employment related costs for participants;
  • Professional fees related to legal services, evaluation, financial audit, or for expertise not available in the applicant organization;
  • Contributions for capital assets such as purchase of computers and other office equipment, furniture and other assets necessary to the project, will normally not exceed $10,000 and will be available for recipients of not-for-profit and small and medium-sized enterprises only;
  • Travel within Canada that is directly related to the project activities (allowances must comply with current Treasury Board of Canada travel guidelines).




The Workplace Skills Initiative (WSI) is designed to provide funding to promote awareness around workplace skills issues and to help mobilize employers and the employed to transform workplaces so the they become more competitive, productive, and highly skilled on an ongoing basis.

The WSI invites eligible organizations and their partners do develop project proposals that address one of the following areas:

  • Newcomers to Canada
  • Older Workers
  • Low-skilled Workers


Federal funding under this Call for Proposals will not be more than two years (24 months) in duration.

Size of Financing

Federal funding under this Call for Proposals will not exceed $2 million per year.

Where to Submit Proposals?

The applicant must submit their complete application to:

WSI Second Call for Proposals - 2007
Workplace Skills Initiative (WSI)
Human Resources and Social Development Canada
112 Kent Street
Place de Ville, Tower B, 21st Floor
Ottawa  ON  K1A 0J9  


*Note: "non-profit" also known as nonprofit organizations, non profit organizations, not-for-profit organizations, voluntary organizations and volunteer organizations.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
Service Canada Centres
For a complete list of all Service Canada Centres please visit the Web site or check the government listings in your telephone directory.
Web site:

National Contact(s):
See regional contact(s).