Symbol of the Government of Canada

Bankruptcy - General Statistics

Industry Canada (IC)

Last Verified: 2007-08-16

The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy offers in-depth bankruptcy statistics on its Web site. These statistics include the volumes of consumer and business bankruptcies, proposals and reported receiverships. Business bankruptcy statistics are also broken down by major industrial division, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes up to 2003. Starting in January 2004, Type of Industry was changed to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).


The database now contains over ten years of data for consumer and business bankruptcies by province as well as eight years of data for business bankruptcies by province and by Standard Industrial Classification Code. Also, more breadth has been added with the addition of bankruptcies by major urban centres which provides details on filing volumes for all of the census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations in Canada. The major urban centres statistics include statistics for the component census subdivisions of Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto and Hamilton.

The specialized statistics provide value added statistics to the user. In particular, they provide consumer and business bankruptcy rates for each of the urban centres as well as for the census subdivisions of Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, and Hamilton. These bankruptcy rates are available from 1991 to 1996 on an annual basis. The specialized statistics also allow you to undertake trend analysis, to compare years and to obtain a country profile.

The Enhanced Statistics provide:

  • Published monthly statistics on bankruptcies, receiverships and proposals;
  • Urban centres, provincial and national statistics;
  • Specialized statistics including: monthly trends, country profiles and annual comparisons;
  • Annual bankruptcy rates by urban centre.

The following reports are available under Published Statistics

  • Bankruptcies, Consumer and Business by Province - 1987/01 to 1997/09;
  • Bankruptcies and Proposals by Urban Centers - 1995/01 to 1997/09;
  • Bankruptcies, Business by Province and by SIC - 1990/01 to 1997/09;
  • Receiverships, Private and Court by Province - 1993/01 to 1997/09;
  • Proposals, Division I and II by Province - 1993/01 to 1997/09.

Specialized Statistics and last "Annual statistical summary" are also available.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Dominique Laverdière
Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy
Industry Canada
4th Floor
Heritage Place
155 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0H5
Telephone: 613-941-2858
Fax: 613-941-2862
Web site:

Monique Leclair
Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy
Industry Canada
8th Floor
Heritage Place
155 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0H5
Telephone: 613-941-9054
Fax: 613-941-6176
Web site: