Symbol of the Government of Canada

Federal Incorporation - Boards of Trade/Chambers of Commerce

Industry Canada (IC)

Last Verified: 2007-07-04

Act: Boards of Trade Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. B-6
Regulation: Not applicable.

To Whom Does This Apply?

Any group of at least 30 merchants, traders, brokers, mechanics, manufacturers, bank managers or insurance agents wishing to incorporate as a board of trade or chamber of commerce.


Corporations Canada is responsible for the incorporation of and changes to boards of trade and chambers of commerce under the Boards of Trade Act.

To incorporate a board of trade or chamber of commerce, the following is required:

  • a certificate of formation (blank copies of this document are available directly from Corporations Canada); and
  • payment of the $5 incorporation fee payable to the Receiver General for Canada.

Once established, boards of trade and chambers of commerce are required to file an annual summary with Corporations Canada. There is no fee for filing an annual summary. It is important to note that there can only be one board of trade or chamber of commerce in a given district. If a new board of trade or chamber of commerce wants to enter into the district of an existing board or chamber, the area must first be surrendered by the first board/chamber, or the existing board/chamber must be formally dissolved. Members of a board of trade/chamber of commerce can request the dissolution of their organization by submitting a special resolution to Corporations Canada or on receipt of an affidavit from the mayor of the city indicating that the chamber has ceased to operate.

For more information

Additional information on boards of trade and chambers of commerce is available from the various provincial chambers of commerce or the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. For more information on the Boards of Trade Act or any of the products and services offered by Corporations Canada, please visit the Web site or contact them by phone or e-mail.

Information contained in this section is of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute advice for any specific fact situation. For particular questions, the users are invited to contact their lawyer. For additional information, see contact(s) listed below.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
Canada Business - New Brunswick
Ground Floor, Barker House
570 Queen Street
Fredericton, New Brunswick  E3B 6Z6
Telephone: 506-444-6140
Fax: 506-444-6172
Toll-free (information): 1-888-576-4444
TTY Toll-free (hearing impaired): 1-800-457-8466
Web site:
Hours of operation: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday thru Friday - except Government holidays

National Contact(s):
Client Services Section - Headquarters
Corporations Canada
Industry Canada
9th Floor
Jean Edmonds Tower South
365 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0C8
Telephone: 613-941-9042
Fax: 613-941-0601
Toll-free (information): 1-866-333-5556
Web site: