Symbol of the Government of Canada

Canadian General Standards Board

Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC)

Last Verified: 2007-05-30

The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) is one of the largest standards development and conformity assessment organizations in Canada.

The CGSB provides standards development and conformity assessment services, including programs for certification of products and services, registration of quality and environmental management systems, and related services. These services are provided in support of economic, regulatory, procurement, health, safety and environmental interests.

Eligibility Criteria

The CGSB aims to meet the needs and expectations of consumers, industry producers and suppliers, procurement officers, regulators, academia and scientific organizations in Canada and in the global marketplace with effective, economical and timely service.


What are the CGSB's programs and services?

Standards Development

The CGSB offers a broad range of standards development services. Standards and specifications are developed through a consensus approach by committees of volunteers who are experts in their field and who represent a balance of interested parties. The CGSB has approximately 1300 standards and specifications, covering a wide range of subject areas.

Certification and Qualification Programs

The CGSB operates certification and qualification programs where products and services are assessed against performance and quality standards. The programs are either a voluntary and impartial mechanism by which suppliers can demonstrate to potential buyers the value of their goods and services, or a mandatory requirement for certain government procurement requests.

Are you a public or private sector buyer concerned with getting the best value for the purchasing dollar? And are you interested in having your product listed on one of the many CGSB program lists? Contact the CGSB and take advantage of their many services.

Management Systems Programs

Are you looking to increase and demonstrate your organization's quality, environmental or regulatory conformance? The CGSB's management systems are key in achieving this value in today's global marketplace. They offer the following registration programs:

  • ISO 9001:2000 (Quality)
  • ISO 14001 (Environmental) 
  • OHSAS 18001 (Occupational health and safety)
  • HACCP Advantage (Food safety) 

New Brunswick Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
CGSB Sales Centre
Canadian General Standards Board
11 Laurier Street
Gatineau, Quebec  K1A 1G6
Telephone: 819-956-0425
Fax: 819-956-5740
Toll-free (information): 1-800-665-2472
Web site: