Symbol of the Government of Canada

Trade Activities

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

Last Verified: 2006-02-15

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) has a broad mandate for economic development in Atlantic Canada. One of its goals is to provide, through trade activities, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) encouragement, advice and information, and the capital and technology they need to take part in export trade.

Eligibility Criteria

Small and medium enterprises that wish to export and are based in New Brunswick.


Multi-Day Trade Awareness Session
The Multi-Day Trade Awareness Session focuses on providing trade-related information to potential exporters. This six-day course is designed to run for two days for three consecutive weeks (Friday and Saturday full-day sessions).

This multi-day training seminar provides a more in-depth look at export markets, the tools that are used and what it takes to successfully sell your products outside of Canada. Subjects that will be covered in depth include Export Preparation, Export Financing, Search for Export Information, Marketing Decisions for Exports and Logistics, Partnerships and Planning.

Cost to Participating Companies        
The cost is approximately $500 for the six-day session.

Trade Mentoring/Coaching Program
The client receives coaching from a knowledgeable international marketing consultant. An amount of consulting hours would be allocated to the participating company equivalent to the time the consultant would take to do the work himself/herself. The company must be truly serious about exporting, and must be willing to commit time to the consultant and the required tasks involved. The support provided by the consultant can include several activities such as:

  • establishing a list of steps to take and things to do for the company to undergo research;
  • provide the company with contacts and information on sources;
  • various and regular contacts with the company in order to advise it and coach it;
  • provide additional and specific training to the company;
  • helping the company prepare for a trade show, negotiate terms of contracts, and assist in the preparation of marketing material.

Cost to Participants Companies
ACOA will cover the costs of this program, up to 75% with the client contributing the remaining 25%.

Export Partnering Program
Through the promotion of training and the exchange of information, the Export Partnering Program (EPP) furthers ACOA's objectives to encourage exports by small and medium enterprises with little or no experience in international trade.

With this program, ACOA is developing a unique method of reaching its primary objective, namely to increase the number of SMEs that become successful exporters. Furthermore, the EPP is turning into an exceptional training tool for ACOA, thanks to the collaboration of its partners, particularly the universities in New Brunswick.

The EPP will provide the company with the capable assistance of at least one International Marketing student from one of New Brunswick's respected universities. Your student(s) will help you develop a marketing plan to prepare your business for export and one of the students will accompany you on your trade mission. EPP will also provide the opportunities for market research for your product or service and help you prepare for your first trade mission. The program also provides added support from Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), Industry Canada (IC), International Trade Canada (ITCan) and Trade Team New Brunswick partners.

Cost to Participating Companies
Companies will be expected to contribute $2 000 to $4 000, and students will be expected to contribute $300.

For more information, please contact the Canada/New Brunswick Business Service Centre at the following address:

Canada Business - New Brunswick
Ground Floor, Barker House
570 Queen Street
Fredericton, New Brunswick  E3B 6Z6
Telephone: 506-444-6140
Fax: 506-444-6172
Toll-free (information): 1-888-576-4444
TTY Toll-free (hearing impaired): 1-800-457-8466
Web site:
Hours of operation: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday thru Friday - except Government holidays

New Brunswick Contact(s):
Moncton and Bathurst to Grand Falls Regions
Ms. Mia Garland-Keeling
Trade and Investment Officer
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
570 Queen Street
P.O. Box 578
Fredericton, New Brunswick  E3B 5A6
Telephone: 506-452-3993
Fax: 506-452-3285
Toll-free (information): 1-800-561-4030

Fredericton and Saint John Regions
Mr. Darren Graham
Trade, Investment and Innovation Officer
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
570 Queen Street
P.O. Box 578
Fredericton, New Brunswick  E3B 5A6
Telephone: 506-444-6138
Fax: 506-452-3285
Toll-free (information): 1-800-561-4030

National Contact(s):
Julie Haché
Team Canada Atlantic Programs Coordinator
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
3rd Floor
Blue Cross Centre
644 Main Street
P.O. Box 6051
Moncton, New Brunswick  E1C 9J8
Telephone: 506-851-6658
Fax: 506-851-7403
Toll-free (information): 1-800-561-4030