Symbol of the Government of Canada

e-Business Trade Roadmap

Industry Canada (IC)

Last Verified: 2007-05-03

The e-Business Trade Roadmap is geared to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) who, as a result of establishing a Web site, are potential exporters of products or services.

The Roadmap is predominantly a series of hyperlinks to public and private sector Web sites which focus on Internet-based international trade transactions. The series of links are grouped under subject headings of "Steps", which are the various stages of a commercial transaction carried out over the Internet.


The objectives of the Roadmap are to:

  • provide an overview of the international trade challenges posed by operating an electronic business in the global marketplace through all stages of an international transaction;
  • provide case studies of how Canadian SMEs have met some of the particular international challenges of e-business;
  • identify the steps to protect a SME from international e-business pitfalls; and
  • help SMEs generate more leads and close deals on or off line.

The 7 "Steps" are:

  • Step 1 - Readiness Assessment
  • Step 2 - Generate e-Trade Leads
  • Step 3 - Qualify e-Trade Leads
  • Step 4 - Electronic Trade Negotiations
  • Step 5 - Online Order Execution
  • Step 6 - Implement e-Payment Systems
  • Step 7 - Implement Global e-Customer Support    

New Brunswick Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Industry Canada Web Service Centre
Industry Canada
Telephone: 613-954-5031
Fax: 613-954-2340
Toll-free (information): 1-800-328-6189
TTY Toll-free (hearing impaired): 1-866-694-8389
Web site: