Symbol of the Government of Canada

Assistance for Exporters of Geomatics Products and Services

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

Last Verified: 2007-11-22

Assistance for Exporters of Geomatics Products and Services provides assistance to the Canadian geomatics industry in identifying, pursuing and executing major international contracts in geomatics consisting of surveying, mapping, cadastral programs, remote sensing and geographic information systems. Specific services include market intelligence, market access, facilitation and trade promotion, and strategic brokering.

Geomatics Canada, the federal government mapping agency, is part of the Earth Sciences Sector (ESS) of NRCan. The International Division of ESS provides a focus for stakeholders and external clients. Geomatics Canada's international links with scientific and government geomatics agencies may also be of assistance in marketing Canadian products and services abroad. 

Eligibility Criteria

Individual firms or consortia interested in exporting Canadian geomatics products and services. 


The program's main objectives are to:

  • act as point of contact for information on potential commercial opportunities and existing cooperative programs in geomatics between Canada and other countries, as well as within Canada;
  • disseminate information on Canada's international responsibilities, including membership in associations and current participation in scientific cooperative projects;
  • expand international awareness of Canadian geomatics technology and expertise through incoming delegations and outgoing technical missions;
  • provide access to the national geodetic, topographic, remote sensing, and other geographic databases, as well as information on national standards;
  • assist Canadian industry and consortia in identifying, pursuing and carrying out major international contracts.

Note: No country or region of the world is explicitly excluded from the service. The current focus is in areas of the world that support the economic and foreign policies of the Government of Canada and where Canada may have a comparative advantage.

Limit of Responsibility
The program Assistance for Exporters of Geomatics Products and Services works closely with Canadian industry, individual firms or consortia, counterpart mapping/geomatics agencies in other countries, the various national and regional geomatics associations, Foreign Affairs Canada, Industry Canada and Canadian embassies.

New Brunswick Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Earth Sciences Sector (ESS)
International Division
Natural Resources Canada
615 Booth Street, 5th floor
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0E9
Telephone: 613-996-7643
Fax: 613-995-8737
TTY (hearing impaired): 613-996-4397
E-mail: or
Web site: